
Personal Life Reflections & Changes

 I have no shame in using my blog as a time capsule for my inner thoughts, but I also know that I've used it as an outlet over the years to help express myself. I don't really see much changing with my blog as I enjoy posting whatever comes to my mind, or even just sharing my different interests. For this particular post, however, I want to start sharing some more personal thoughts and other aspirations.

Figuring out my life as an adult and in a new environment that's separate from the home I grew up in has been hard. My mental health has taken some pretty big dips at times, and yet, I'm still trying my best to function. It's weird how every time I get sick, time starts to slow down and I'm able to get more genuine rest. I still don't enjoy getting sick by any means, but I am grateful for the extra time that it gives me. Taking care of my health is probably the one thing that I've tried to gain more consistency on, and honestly, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for being able to keep my weight and metabolism steady. I definitely feel like I've learned some new and better habits when it comes to my relationship with food, and while it has taken some time with a couple of learning curves, I feel pretty good about my body and where things are heading with my physical health. 

Keeping myself in a good mood emotionally has honestly been a work in progress this year. I don't like dwelling on the negatives, but I know I've been guilty of doing this a bit too often. I also know what my own flaws and weaknesses are... it's not always for me to remain open-minded, and even with the many years I've spent in therapy which I recently decided to move on from, I feel like what's working now for the position I'm in to maintain a positive relationship with my mental health is becoming more physically active. I'm also starting to feel more appreciative as well as seeing the value in maintaining an open relationship with my parents. Seeing them once a week and/or staying the night whenever I want is helping me to find a different source of relief. I don't always have to spend time alone, and since making these changes, I'm finding myself feeling more balanced in some ways, even if life still feels chaotic at times. I know that there are a lot of things in the outside world that I can't change, but knowing that I have my family as my support system gives me a sense of joy, comfort and encouragement. 

My romantic life continues to hold some uncertainties which can be hard to navigate at times. If there's one thing that's stuck with me since the start of my 20's, it's that you can't always overthink yourself into a state of clarity or peace. Sometimes, you have to trust in the universe and allow things to take their own natural course in life. I've always tried to have this "go with the flow" and free-spirited type of mentality when it comes to most areas of life. Being stiff and strict in some areas just doesn't always work, and while I try to be someone who can extend a listening ear and provide understanding, I also recognize that it's also okay to have boundaries. Balance is important to have, but when it comes to relationships, whether they're romantic or not, I think what's been keeping me stuck more often than not is recognizing that there needs to be a balance between that give-and-take aspect in relationships. It's easy to say this stuff out loud, and yet, putting it into practice just isn't easy sometimes. 

If there's one additional change that I feel like is worth putting into practice as often as I can, it's having a sense of gratitude. It's very easy to search out other people's flaws or to complain about how life is just a constant haze of dark clouds.... If that's the only perspective that you're willing to have, then what's the point in living? I personally try to hold onto any optimism or silver linings that I can find, and if I can't find any, then I'll make my own. I'll be my own ray of sunshine, and I hope that in living that out, I can attract more positivity and kindness in return. Life's too short to constantly dwell on things that bring you down into misery. 


My Thoughts on Affordable Luxury + Mini Review

Luxury fashion typically means buying into designer labels that come with extra overpriced fees because you’re paying for the name brand, which doesn’t always promise better quality. Take brands like Chanel, Dior or Louis Vuitton for example. I’ve never spent over $1000 just for a handbag, and while I know that I’m into fashion and like to marvel at the design of certain handbag structures, I know what my standards are now and I’m also aware of what I need to prioritize within my budget.

Social media has been both a blessing and a curse when it comes to the fashion community and how new trends tend to pop up within its algorithms. One of the few trends that I felt like I was able to budget for before moving out was getting into affordable luxury, or “quiet luxury”. Handbags with no logos, or clothes that have more timeless features in their design and structure became a huge trend for a while as a push-back from any brands that are saturated with loud prints or flashy logos. In a way, you could say that “quiet luxury” was really just coming back to a simpler or more minimalist design form. This is how brands like Polene, Teddy Blake or Songmont have come about within influencer culture.

I honestly think that “quiet luxury”, or affordable luxury, can be considered a timeless trend regardless of who’s promoting it on Instagram or YouTube. I know that I’ve been able to acquire at least four different handbags within this trend, three of which are from the brand Polene. The quality of their products is honestly something that I could rave about for who knows how long because no matter how many times I use one of them, they’ll still stand the test of time and look amazing with barely any scratches! Another thing that I find myself appreciating about Polene’s products is how unique their designs are. One of the bags I bought from them looks like a dumpling; there are two different size options for this type of bag, and I decided to get the mini size in an off-white color. I’ve used it for special outings or family dinners, and honestly, I’d say this is the only evening bag that I need in my collection. It really just makes any outfit feel more put together and fun!

(Picture taken from official Polene Website. Bag name: Numero Neuf mini. Color: Chalk)

To wrap up this post, I’m going to say that while I still stand by knowing that fashion in any form is fun and while no one should judge anybody who decides to take part in it, I do realize that this is one outlet that comes with a heavy price (no pun intended). No one should go broke in the name of fashion, and if you can’t afford luxury brands or don’t see the value in them, then that’s okay. Different people are into different things and shouldn’t be patronized for making decisions that can benefit their sense of joy. So, wIthout going onto any other tangents here, I hope this post was informative and insightful to you if you’re looking to invest in the quiet luxury trend!


Does Having a Low Tolerance Mindset Actually Work?

There are a lot of things I know I'm prone to saying or doing either consciously or unconsciously. I also know that depending on the day, I'm not always good at being able to empathize with others. Self-respect and being able to consistently show up for myself is something that I tend to hold onto with pride, as well as stating any boundaries for the sake of keeping any relationships healthy. In saying all of that, one thing that I feel as if I've come to learn and accept about myself is that even though I am someone who is considered neurodivergent (or having ADD), that doesn't mean that I have to let my brain's oddities take over my personality 24/7. 

Shame, low self-esteem and negative self-talk are what's caused me to withdraw and isolate myself the most whenever I was experiencing a meltdown because of my ADD. The ways in which I've built up my own confidence and self-worth have involved some traditional or conventional methods like therapy, journaling and even starting this blog, but I also know that I've relied on some other resources so that I could figure out how to appear more "normal" or get to a place of feeling safe internally. This is basically how I've gained inspiration to write about my experiences with ADD and my learning disability. Accepting that my brain is just different isn't always easy, but how does this correlate to the title of this post?

I wasn't given enough exposure to people who are just like me in terms of mental deficiencies, so for a good part of my life, I just went about my own business and kept to myself without questioning most things in life. My ability to tolerate certain things and people comes from being able to observe and adapt to my surroundings. It's taken me a long time to unlearn certain behaviors that haven't been serving me, and the more I allow myself to be unapologetic in who I am outside of my ADD, the more I start to feel as if I can co-exist around not just other neurodivergent folks (which also includes people who have autism), but also some other people who are their own version of "normal". I know who I'm able to get along with and who I want to avoid or go no-contact with. I used to be the type of person who would burn bridges, and while that temptation still finds its way into my mind sometimes, I feel like the only thing I'm guilty of now is saying things I don't mean to whenever I feel stressed or tired. Forgiving and forgetting is something I'd rather adapt to, whether other people in my life like it or not. I'd rather forgive for my own sake (and for other people if I know I've done something wrong), forget like it's nothing and then move on with life. If someone were to actually disrespect me or not treat me fairly, I will put that person in their place if I have to. I've gone through phases of being too soft or being too afraid to speak my mind, and that slowly started to change once I entered my 20's. I'm not afraid anymore to vocalize what's on my mind, whether or not what I have to say is offensive. So to anyone who's reading this, please take this to heart: it's okay for you to have a voice and to stand up for yourself!!

To wrap up this post, I'd say that my tolerance threshold has increased over the years with some things in life, but overall, I still try my best to be kind and live in a way that's authentic to who I am. Confidence is something that you gain by being able to endure the worst of what's been dealt to you. I hope that these insights can help reach anybody who needs to hear it. 


ADHD & Communication (part 2)

It’s been quite some time since I’ve highlighted anything regarding ADHD, but there are some new things that I thought I’d address now that I’ve gained a bit more experience, and with other like-minded individuals like me. So even though I’m still a work in progress in some ways, my ability to communicate with others depends directly on the state of my mental health. Trauma plays a very small part in what I’m able to speak up about or not, or at least, that’s what I’d like to believe. Staying silent hasn’t done me any favors in some cases, but in other ways, it has led to some growth, learning and healing. The most problematic or difficult experiences I’ve faced, however, is how to maintain relationships with other people who have a neurodivergent brain like me.

It’s taking time for me to recognize that while my own feelings and emotions are valid, that doesn’t mean that I should use them to hurt other people or twist another person’s words just because I feel hurt. Getting older doesn’t always mean getting wiser, because realistically speaking here, whether I have ADD or not, I’d still be making rookie mistakes every now and then. Pride tells me that this is why I get to feel the way I do, and this person’s actions or lack thereof proves that. I could have a full-on conversation in my head while everyone else around me is just minding their own business. Letting go of what makes me feel agitated, angry and hurt can either be easy or difficult depending on how much mental energy and focus I have. If my focus is aimless, then there’s no chance of me calming down whatsoever. Put me with someone who also has communication issues, and you’ll notice that there’s a lot that doesn’t get said, or we could end up saying the wrong things to each other sometimes.

I know I should be more empathetic of other people within “my own tribe”. Quite frankly, I feel as if my subconscious brain still holds onto some toxic habits that make me forget about my own ADD issues because I haven’t been exposed to other people with ADHD all that often growing up. Part of me has gotten a bit too used to feeling like a “normal” person with no issues, and so without that exposure, it’s made it difficult for me to meet other people where they’re at in life in some cases. Just like how other disabilities come on a spectrum, I’m finding out that ADHD comes on a spectrum as well based on how well a person can mask their symptoms. Masking is a coping mechanism that I learned upon exiting my teenage years, and somehow, it’s become a good tool in order for me to appear “normal”, but it takes a lot of mental energy and focus. So how does all of this play into communication? I feel like the best way to describe it would be like going to a masked ball, and you never know what kinds of “secrets” the person is hiding behind their mask.

The things I compensate for when I’m masking my ADD stem from my issues with control, lack of stability from within and this internal struggle to adapt to change. I know I tend to go through phases of taking things too far and not knowing when to let go of certain feelings or people that I know aren’t serving a positive purpose in my life. It’s very debilitating to shuffle through my own issues and figure out what’s rooted in reality and what’s rooted in trauma. I know that not everybody in this world is out to get me, and I know that people are going to make mistakes. Sometimes, it feels as if I have to put up a tighter guard because I’ve been taken advantage of one too many times. What I wish other people would learn, however, is that forgiveness works both ways- and it’s okay to be vocal about that. I’ve tried to unlearn many bad habits over the years; it’s still taking me time to heal. I do want to continue being more vocal about the things that I think people need to hear more often, but it’s really difficult to find peace sometimes when you don’t receive the same kind of treatment back.


Madewell Brand Review

Since I’ve been buying things from this brand either directly from the website or secondhand, I thought I’d share my thoughts on the brand as a whole. I first heard about Madwell through an influencer that I follow that makes fashion and lifestyle content (named Chloe Wen), and since then, I’ve built up a collection of different clothing pieces and accessories. Here’s the list of everything I own so far:

3 sweaters (2 pullovers, 1 cardigan)

2 long sleeve button-up tops

Brown belt

3 bags:

    1. Medium Transport Tote (Woven Leather Edition)

    2. The Magazine Tote (black)

    3. Black leather crossbody bag (from ThredUp)

Given this list, I think it’s safe to say that what makes me love this brand is how comfortable, classic and versatile their pieces are. Their bags especially are very practical and stylish! I love how they can either be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. I’d also say that Madwell has the most comfortable sweaters! The one cardigan sweater I have has become a staple for me in the fall and early winter months as it’s just so cozy and easy to wear.

I could rave a lot more about the different pieces I own and why I love them, but instead, I’m just going to wrap up the review portion of this post here. Be sure to follow me on Instagram so that you can see how I’ve styled all the pieces I’ve mentioned here! As for how I’ve obtained them, I typically filter my searches either through Poshmark or ThredUp. I’m also aware that Goodwill sometimes carries clothes from this brand, but I don’t like to shop there for clothes all that often. The one and only piece that I’ve bought directly from their website was my brown belt. I hope this review has been helpful to you in some way!


Honestly.... Being honest is different from being disrespectful or rude

I don't like staying quiet whenever something is on my mind. People say that you should treat people based on how you want to be treated, but let's get real here for a minute.... negativity, rudeness or being overly harsh are things that most people don't like putting up with. I realize that the kinds of people I've allowed into my life over the years off and on haven't been the nicest to me, but I don't consider myself to be someone who likes to beat around the bush or walk on eggshells. Being honest or blunt when giving criticism doesn't always mean that I'm being negative. It just means that I'm not afraid to say what's on my mind, whether the person is ready to hear what I have to say or not. 

It honestly gets tiring to always put a filter on my thoughts. The way I speak is the way I speak. If someone wants me to sugarcoat things or put on this magical fairy dust act, well... That's just not me. I value my ability to be honest and straightforward, and I know that this platform and having this blog has been a huge help in allowing me to develop my own voice and opinions over the years. 

At this point in my life, I really don't care if a person likes me or not. I may not always enjoy the feeling of being misunderstood, but at the same time, part of me is starting to care less about being understood by others in the first place. Let this be a reminder that it's okay to speak up. Being silenced by someone else doesn't have to be tolerated, and more importantly, NO ONE should have to silence themselves just for the sake of keeping the peace. There's more nuance within different relationships these days, and while I try to recognize this as a good thing, I also find myself needing to be reminded that this is why most- if not all- relationships don't work. People change. The things that we value are likely to change the more we grow and evolve. Disrespect, of course, never needs to be tolerated, but especially with romantic partnerships or marriage, I sometimes find myself in this mindset of being in the minority because I've been with the same person for more than 9 years now. Every relationship is going to go through difficult times, and I know that having some arguments with the person you love is considered normal. I guess in the end, being able to confront the person you love is the hardest challenge to face sometimes; I know this because I've experienced this. Sometimes, you just need to recognize when you've had enough of letting fear hold you back. You really don't know how a person is going to handle what you have to say until the words have been let out. With all of this being said, if you believe the relationship is worth holding onto, then it's worth holding onto. If not, then it's okay to move on. However, if any of you reading this is like me where it's easy to get confused or overthink things, then perhaps this post can give you a sense of comfort, encouragement or motivation.  


What I'm Learning About Relationships + Some Other Thoughts on Growth and Evolution

Perception in relationships is something that continues to be a work in progress for me.... People can only see things as far as what they're capable of. Some people only have an average or basic amount of awareness. What's frustrating is when people continually put other people's identity in some sort of box or cage and won't see anything else beyond that. 

The more a person grows and evolves, the more people you'll end up losing people along the way. Let me be more specific with this statement: The more you state your own values and priorities to someone who you know doesn't mesh well with you, the less you're going to get back from that person who believes they feel stuck. For full transparency here, I fully recognize how hard it is to walk away from someone who you know isn't serving a purpose in your life anymore. Mistakes shouldn't be confused with any act of disrespect. Honest mistakes can be reconciled if both people in the relationship are willing to be open and communicate at a level that's less driven by pettiness or negative emotions. Disrespect needs to be dealt with in the same manner, obviously, but it also shouldn't be given any passes. It's okay to stand your ground and recognize your worth. It's okay to let the person know what you're not willing to tolerate in the relationship. Friendships and romantic partnerships alike (and also professional relationships) are allowed to have boundaries; without them, you're basically allowing too much chaos to happen. This honestly needs to be stated more often because I truly feel as if there's too much passiveness in some people, and it makes working with them more difficult. 

The minute you stop being a child is when you are able to think for yourself and form your own opinions about the world around you. This means that age is relative and maturity is what most people look at within others when it comes to whether or not someone is capable enough. This is why it's important to assess early on exactly what your goals and values are in life. You can work on developing these either with a coach/therapist, or you can do it on your own terms. Whatever choice you make is up to you, but with where I'm at now with my own growth personally, I realize that it's okay to allow other people to offer their support. Finding people who can encourage you and want to see you succeed is important if you decide to start taking on a more active role in your life. 

To end this post, I'm going to loosely quote a saying that one of my friends has passed down many times: creating a life by your own design involves a process of healing, creating and becoming. My interpretation of this means that in order to become the person you want to be, you need to not only heal any wounds or traumas that are holding you back, you also need to be proactive and decide/create a vision for what it is you want for yourself. Who do you want to be? What do you want to stand for? What do you want to value, and are your own actions in alignment with that?