Now some people have disabilities that are worse than mine, but that doesn't make them any less human. Whether if you have autism, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Tourette's Syndrome, etc... we are all the same on the inside and share the same feelings and emotions- some just might have a harder time expressing what they're feeling.
Every human being is different from each other in some way, but a simple smile and a little kindness can really make a difference to those who are struggling with a disability. Sometimes people will judge you just because you walk funny or are making too much noise, but that can't be helped. Nervous tics can't be stopped and you can't control any outburst of emotion because that's just part of living with your disability. Those who judge you or look at you weird don't matter; they don't know what it's like being in your position. What matters most is the people who speak to you like you are just like anybody else. They see your disability and don't hesitate to start a conversation in spite of that.
I have friends and know people who have some kind of disability, and while I may not talk to a few of them as often anymore, they are still people that I care about. Life can be hard regardless of your mental, emotional or physical health, so it's important for all of us to be kind to one another; we shouldn't be settling for anything less than that.