Toxicity comes from that person's own behavior, so you can't say that you blame God or Jesus for the way you're acting. This is the one thing that I've come to realize about myself recently when covering the topic of toxicity here on my blog. Every thought I had and every judgment I made was being made with my own eyes and brain. God had no part in the way I was acting, but even if he did have something to do with it, I probably wouldn't have seen it that way back then.
People can say whatever bull**** excuse they have to make themselves feel better, but in my personal opinion, excuses are just another defense mechanism to help us stay in that little bubble we're in. If we keep making excuses instead of taking responsibility for our actions, then we're never going to change. One has to be willing to change to crawl out of that dark and negative mindset. When you add religion to the mix, the same fundamentals apply: take responsibility for your actions, admit them to yourself and your god, then ask for forgiveness. It's always best to be honest with yourself than to deny what you've done at all.
Those who play the blame game tend to just walk around in circles; they don't learn from their mistakes because they're too busy pinning them onto something or somebody else. I myself have had this problem, but I've been trying my best to diminish that from my life. It takes a lot of will power, mental strength and discipline to overcome this one obstacle, but it CAN be done. For the longest time I've been in this mentality that my problems existed either because of a certain person or because of my own disabilities or weaknesses, but that doesn't have to be the case. Very rarely did I ever blame God for my own failures, but whenever I did, I knew that the pain I was feeling would just stay where it was unless I did something about it. It wasn't until I started to see how tired I was inside my mind that I decided I've had enough, and when I finally took matters into my own hands, I immediately felt like a changed person.
I feel as if toxicity in general should be talked about more from the toxic person's point of view because not a lot of people care to understand or to be more empathetic. Negative thoughts patterns may exist inside all of us, but for some people, it can really effect their personalities on a deeper level depending on what experiences they've been through. Everyone on this earth deserves to be treated with kindness and respect despite any struggles they're going through, and it's not right for people to judge or label other human beings just because they're a little more flawed than others.