
Music Spotlight: Halestorm & Tonight Alive


Don't let the red hair fool you- Lzzy Hale is nothing like Hayley Williams from Paramore. What I love most about Lzzy in general however is how she's able to sound beautiful, but also badass at the same time. This band's sound is definitely edgy, head-banger worthy and also tasteful when taking everything I've listened to so far into consideration. When looking at a song like "Beautiful With You", you realize that there's a lot of vulnerability in there that some women today would be afraid to openly admit and confront, but that's what makes me love this band even more. On the other side though, when listening to songs like "Daughters of Darkness", "Freak Like Me" or "Mz. Hyde", you can hear just how raw and rough Lzzy's voice is- and I'm saying that in a good way. 

For me personally, I find Halestorm's music to be very personable/relatable. "I Am the Fire" in particular really speaks to me, so I find that to be rare when it comes to finding a female voice to connect to. I never really cared to have that kind of connection with any band that has a female lead in the past, so the fact that I have that now just makes me feel even more in tune, per say (pun intended).


This band's music overall seems to be a little more mellow when looking at these two female-lead bands side by side. Mind you, I haven't to listened to all of their music either, but from what I've heard out of the 3 albums I own, I'd say that this band certainly knows how to put together good music. There seems to be a lot of versatility when it comes to their musical style and somehow, Jenna still manages to sound amazing in every song. 

The three albums I own by this band are Underworld, The Other Side and What Are You So Scared Of? and I honestly love them all the same. Now I do want to admit here that I somehow mistook Jenna McDougal's voice for Hayley Williams' voice when I first heard their album What Are You So Scared Of?. Since then however, I've learned that's so much more to this lead singer than what you hear at first word on a soundtrack recording. Tonight Alive's music is fun and not limited to one type of song-writing style. Just take a listen to find out for yourself!