
Ways to Get More Exercise

 Getting exercise in my opinion doesn’t have to equal getting a gym membership or just spending money in general. Now of course, if you find that approach to be more helpful, then you do you. For me personally however, I’ve found that there’s more flexibility and variety in doing my workouts at home. 

So of course, I’ve been doing yoga for about two years now, and I’ve found it to be a great form of relaxation. This form of activity has a vast amount of options when it comes to improving your health;  if you want to tone your muscles or lose fat, there’s a sequence for that. There’s also a sequence for if you want to improve your stamina, balance or levels of stress/fatigue. Now of course, the benefits of yoga are very much linked to our emotional/mental health, so this is just one option for if you want to start with something simple and light in cardiovascular activity. 

I think it’s obvious that going to a gym is another option. I’m not an expert at all when it comes to the different weights, dumbbells and other body building machines, so if you want to know more details about that topic, I’d suggest finding a blog or YouTube video series that has that specific focus in mind. 

Some of the more basic ideas I know of for exercise are jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, leg lifts, walking, running/jogging or even swimming. These can be done by just about anybody, and if you’re someone who wants to be healthier but doesn’t know where to start, I’d recommend using these tactics to start out with. 

If you’re someone who loves attending events that involve dancing, then this can definitely work to your advantage when getting in some exercise. Dance is universal in all parts of the world, but of course, you don’t need to attend any elaborate classes for certain dances if you don’t want to or can’t afford to do so. All that’s needed realistically is music, some comfortable workout clothes and a bottle of water. 

So as you can see, there’s a lot more to exercise than you might actually think. You just have to find which option works the best for you, and to start small with your habits. And while I’m no health expert here, I do believe that it’s crucial for us to get more movement into our daily routines, whether that's once a day or twice a week. As always, I hope this post is helpful to you in some way. Thanks for reading and have a great day!


Anime Review: Erased

 If only I could watch this one again like I did the first time... To be honest, I’ve said this for quite a few anime I’ve seen, but with this one in particular, it just feels different from the rest. This story follows a young man who gets the chance to revisit his past and save the life of one person. How this concept gets executed isn’t exactly like time travel as the main character literally gets flashed back to his past through some mysterious power he has, and the events that happen within the present day are a reflection of how he navigates through these past events. 

Hopefully that explanation made some sort of sense, but if not, you’ll just have to watch the anime for yourself. Satoru’s experiences in his adulthood are mostly normal. He has an apartment of his own and a decent job delivering pizzas. He keeps to himself for the most part, but once his mother comes to visit (along with a slowly growing bond with one of his co-workers), some strange things start to happen. 

Now I don’t plan to give away the entire plot here, but I do want to disclaim that there are a couple episodes that are heavy. The story is driven by two things: mystery and suspense, and character backstory. So if you’re someone who likes that kind of thing, I’d definitely recommend watching this. 

I’d say that this anime, while having a focused plot, is also very much focused on its characters and how they’re placed. Each supporting character is there for a specific reason, and while some of them may only have a minor role, they do hold significance to the overall story and what happens as the story progresses. There are also a few context clues that you’ll have to be mindful of, and thankfully, the anime gives these away in an obvious, but also casual manner. 

So overall, I think that Erased does a great job of keeping the viewers on their toes. Some episodes provide a more emotional response, while others provide a lot of information and dialogue. From start to end, I was hooked as I wanted to know what would happen next, so for that, I’d give this one a full five stars. 


Capsule Wardrobe Guide: Occasion Wear Staples

So while I still love and use the capsule wardrobe system, I don’t really have a separate occasion wear capsule within my wardrobe. There’s really no specific reason for why, but there are two things I’ve learned throughout this process. The first one is finding pieces that fit within your lifestyle, and the second is all about versatility. 

Dresses come in a big range of different styles, colors and patterns, but I personally find it’s best to know your lifestyle before you start making any purchases. Once you’ve gone through that process and have decluttered what isn’t working, you can then start to slowly add new pieces that’ll work for more than one occasion. I personally find that red and black are the most universally flattering colors for special occasions; I have both of these colors myself within my own wardrobe. 

This probably won’t be much of a surprise, but having one pair of heels is considered a standard essential for special occasions. Now of course, if you just don’t feel comfortable in heels, flats or low heeled pumps can work just as well. In all honesty, even if you don’t like high heels, most heels do come in a variation of different heights. So while stilettos may not be the most practical footwear to be wearing, you can easily find a heel height that’s closer to the ground, like one or two inches at most; I personally try to keep my heel height at 1 ½ or 2 inches. 

So if you’re not a dress person, a nice pair of trousers or a skirt can work just as well. I personally would go with black as that color can work with just about anything, but of course, you can use whatever colors you want based on your personal style and color preferences. 

When styling a skirt, you can either pair it with a basic t-shirt or with a simple blouse. The choices here are honestly endless, but for my taste personally, I think wearing a black or navy blue skirt with a white t-shirt and some heels would look great together; throw in a gold pendant necklace, some subtle earrings and a statement clutch and you have a complete outfit. 

I personally believe that one’s personal style can be best expressed through accessories, and when it comes to putting together a special occasion outfit, you can really be as bold or subtle as you want. I’d also say that makeup can be a great tool for self expression, and you can be as colorful as you want with that option. I’m not much into makeup myself, but I do love to infuse color with different handbags, or with my jewelry. 

As always, I hope reading this is helpful to you in some way. And like I mentioned in the beginning, it really does help if you can learn and understand your lifestyle first before buying things brand new to add into your wardrobe. How often do you go to fancy dinners or formal events? Would it honestly be appropriate to wear that fancy, form fitting cocktail dress to a casual, family gathering? These are just a couple questions you could ask yourself, but I’ll leave the rest up to you to decide. Have a great day!


Nonfiction Story #1: Self Limiting Beliefs

I don’t know what it is about the human mind that fascinates me so much, but if I had to be honest, it’s probably because there’s always something new for me to learn in that field. Every human is capable of reaching their highest potential, but at the same time, we tend to get in our own way or will come across these mental roadblocks. Some have been able to identify these roadblocks and have called them “self-limiting beliefs”. An example of this can be as simple as believing you’re not a good cook, or believing that you’re not capable of being loved. It takes continuous patience, awareness and hard work to unlearn certain thoughts or beliefs you have of yourself, and the cause of these taking place can come from numerous influences in our lives (or ourselves). 

Now before I get into the detailed briefings on this subject, I want to point out one major difference that might get overlooked here. Having a self-limiting belief doesn’t mean you’re stupid, or that there’s no way for you to learn. Everybody is able to learn different skills at their own pace, but if you weren’t taught how to master a specific skill, then that’s a different story. In the instance of cooking for example, anybody can learn that. It takes just as much effort, patience and help with coaching as it would with riding a bike or tying your own shoes. Let’s remember that effort is an important aspect, and another important factor here is that someone has to be there as a teacher. Otherwise, the lesson isn’t fully grasped or developed by the person who wants to learn.

My goal with this is to provide you with some simple tools for overcoming any roadblocks you may have in your life. The concept of self-limiting beliefs starts within our subconscious mind; we may be partially aware or not aware at all when we say we’re not good at something, or that we may never succeed at doing a particular task. Whatever amount of awareness you have, your brain will believe anything you or other people will say to you whether it's true or not. 

Truth is subjective. Consider what your beliefs are and the impact they have on your life. Now understand this: there’s nothing wrong with having these beliefs or personal truths, but your views or feelings of said truths aren’t the only ones that exist. I also want you to consider that your personal truths or beliefs may differ from somebody else’s. 

If you think about the first religion to exist on Earth, where do you think it came from? How did Buddhism come about, or why do some people praise Allah instead of God? For as long as humanity has existed, lawlessness, violence, tragedy and suffering has also existed. The point of me bringing this up is not to stir any negative or worrying thoughts or feelings, but simply to help you understand humanity’s instinct nature before religion was ever created. Mankind was placed on Earth with no sense of moral direction; all that the first human ever knew was how to survive. It’s no secret that most of humanity has evolved greatly since the birth of our species, but sometimes, our minds will still respond to different events or situations based on fear or this instinct of “survival”.  

Our self-worth can sometimes be tied to other people’s opinions of who we are, or perhaps it’s more tied to an expectation that someone has placed onto ourselves (or perhaps the expectations were subconsciously there already without external pressure). This kind of thinking is common, and it typically happens at a young age where we’re most impressionable to the adults in our lives. This is essentially defined as “people pleasing”, and one thing to understand with people pleasing is that while it’s a normal, conditioned behavior based on life circumstances, the consequences to it later in life can be detrimental to your own sense of identity and happiness. 

People always say that happiness is just a feeling, or that happiness is not a permanent state of being. Both of these statements hold some truth, but let’s look at happiness this way as well: it’s an emotion that comes and goes and is encouraged for our overall health and well-being. A life without joy seems almost impossible; wouldn’t you agree with that? For all the other feelings and emotions we experience such as sadness, pain, misery, disgust or anger, we also get to experience joy. One of the first emotions that humans experience upon being born is joy. We may not understand it fully as a newborn infant, but it is there. It enters our bodies as we see mother and father looking down at us with smiles on their faces, and that’s definitely joy in its purest form. If you can remember the smiles of your parents’ faces the moment you were born, then you know what happiness is.  

Our minds work like machines in some ways. It filters out certain memories that may be unpleasant, scary or upsetting, and others may never see the light of day. As we age and gain new experiences in life, our minds have to be given time to process them. Experiential trauma can either be healed within three years or a lifetime depending on the severity of the experience. Self-limiting beliefs also have a “healing process” as well, but the amount of time it takes to “heal” differs from person to person. The only difference between trauma and a self-limiting belief is that trauma has a more residual impact; it never fully goes away. 

One thing that can help rewire a self-limiting belief is assigning yourself a mantra. You can either say this mantra aloud or silently to yourself; the effect is the same. If you believe that you’re unworthy of being loved, challenge that thought with your mantra. You could say to yourself “I am worthy of love”, or if your mantra is more religious/spiritual, it might sound like this: “Jesus loves me, so I will love myself”. Whatever you choose to say to yourself will have an impact on your self-worth, and no one else has the power to take that away from you. 

I realize that perhaps having a mantra or affirmation can be cliche, and if this exercise just doesn’t feel right to you, that’s okay. Resistance is normal and part of the process, but if you resist too much, the effects of that on your mental/emotional health will be negative, and you won’t experience much inner growth. One thing to realize here is that growth is painful, and when you avoid or replace it with some other activity, that will only delay the process temporarily. This is how addiction starts, whether it's with technology, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or even shopping. 

Another way to unlearn a self-limiting belief is to catch it the minute it happens, breathe and then question it. Sometimes a deep inhale and exhale can give some clarity as to why the thought was said in the first place. Do you actually hold this belief to be true to who you are? Were you ever taught how to achieve success with this one task? What kind of standard was set that makes you think this isn’t obtainable? Sometimes the standards we set for ourselves can be unrealistic, and if you break those down into smaller steps that feel more achievable, there’s more of a chance that you’ll succeed. Most people typically measure success by the size of the task, or by how long it’ll take to complete. Back to the cooking example mentioned earlier, it can be easy to compare your efforts by how long it might take for you to learn. Truth be told, it’s more about how much motivation you have rather than the five or ten years you think it might take for you to become a master chef. There’s really no specific number of years in the learning curve, because everybody learns at their own pace. 

Self-limiting thoughts or beliefs can be hard work to unlearn, but it can be done. One thing that I’ve learned with this topic is that many of us, young or old, continue on this journey with struggles either big or small. I’ve had my fair share of struggles, and I’ve had to work hard in order to improve and become better. Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but camaraderie or friendship is probably one of the best things we can rely on in those tough moments. And if no one else has said it yet to you today, I’m here for you and I believe in you.


Organization for Accessories (Minimalism + Fashion)

 Over the years, storing and organizing my accessories has been a long process of trial and error (as well as some decluttering). As a teenager, I used to have 20 different handbags, a handful of unused scarves and a lot of costume jewelry. I remember owning a green, hanging jewelry organizer that I would keep my necklaces in, and my purses would just sit in my closet on wall hooks or on the back of my bedroom door. Some things have definitely changed since then, but I think what’s changed the most is the amount of items I’ve decluttered because of me getting into minimalism. 

I feel like what’s changed the most now is how I organize my jewelry. I was able to pin a bulletin board up against one of my bedroom walls, and so I use that for all of my necklaces. This way, nothing gets tangled and I can visibly see everything I have. I’ve also done a lot of purging through my earring collection as I used to have a lot of those, so now I only keep what I love most stored in a jewelry box that used to be my grandmother’s. 

I feel like as I get older, the less I want to mess around with a big collection of handbags, and so my method for storing those is becoming a lot easier because I’ve downsized so much. I have my black Angela Roi bag sitting on top of my bookshelf as that’s the one “luxury” item I own and love very much. The rest of my bags are still tucked away in my closet. My everyday ones remain hung on hooks, and whenever a new season rolls around, I’ll switch up which bags I keep on the back of my bedroom door. I typically like to put more care into my more expensive bags (or ones with real leather), and so for those items, I’ll put them inside a reusable shoe bag (link: https://www.amazon.com/FashionBoutique-waterproof-Nylon-bags-Multicolor/dp/B00CRBY8NU/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=shoe+bags+multicolor&qid=1592332092&s=apparel&sr=1-3) and keep them in a safe place. 

Since downsizing other accessories I don’t use (like winter socks, scarves, belts, travel bags, etc.), I’ve found that the rest of what I have fits perfectly inside one storage bin. Any old storage bin will do, but I decided to get a 6 pack from Amazon since I knew I had other organizing projects in mind (link: https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Foldable-Storage-Cubes-6-Pack/dp/B0711RQMNF/ref=pd_ys_c_rfy_rp_m_210_0?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0711RQMNF&pd_rd_r=1X79RYBDPR4PW0DJ222G&pd_rd_w=5oQc4&pd_rd_wg=z9vY6&pf_rd_p=0e5f1ae1-de88-4b7c-b919-fceb22deee35&pf_rd_r=1X79RYBDPR4PW0DJ222G&psc=1&refRID=AK6TVTSEYPTP7W4R180A). I think what I like most about these bins is that you can fill them up with literally anything and they provide a nice, uniform look to any space. 

So overall, I’d say I’m happy with how I have my accessories organized, and if you haven’t done a thorough purge of your collection, I’d definitely suggest doing that first. Having a more minimal approach to life has taught me that the less you have, the easier it is to keep your things organized because everything has a designated place.


Sustainable Fashion Review: Pixie Mood Crossbody Bag

Before I get into the review itself, I just want to put out there a couple things I’ve learned about the brand and how these bags are made. As you can tell by the title, this bag (which I bought new and secondhand off Poshmark), is by the brand Pixie Mood. I feel like some light has been shed on me when it comes to finding more sustainable options, because if you ever plan to buy something from a cruelty-free brand, the cost itself can become questionable in terms of sustainability and how the materials in these products impact the environment. It’s all well and good if sustainability means that the materials come from recycled products, like soda cans, water bottles or wasted textiles. There is one textile however that this bag has, and it’s polyurethane. 

Polyurethane is a material that’s used in both my Angela Roi and Pixie Mood handbags. Now I’ll admit that my research of the material is generic as I used Google, but from what I’ve learned, it’s a type of plastic. Some would say that like polyester, this material is not good for the environment (or even your health) because of its quality as opposed to genuine leather, so if you ever plan to buy a bag from an ethical brand, make sure you do your research on the bag’s materials to see if it’s worth the money or not. 

Before I ever got into sustainable fashion, I had bought bags that were either real leather, or not leather at all. Knowing the difference between cheap and high quality is important, and if your interests are only in finding something of high quality, you can either go for lesser known brands or high end, designer brands depending on your values and standards. 

So this bag in particular is something that I honestly enjoy a lot. The color is more of a yellowish brown; almost nude depending on the lighting. Just like my black Cher tote from Angela Roi, the design is very simple and minimal, which is something that I love. I also like how the color of the bag seems to go nicely with the rest of my wardrobe. One thing that I like to make sure of is that the handbags I buy are not only durable and of good quality, but also versatile so that I can get maximum wear out of it. So with all of that said, I think this purchase was definitely worth the money spent. I've been wearing this bag a lot recently and couldn't be happier with how it's holding up so far.