
Less Waste = Longer Life Span for Animals

Being environmentally cautious is the biggest way that we can help preserve wildlife instead of killing it, and yet, some people just want to take the easy way out and leave used cigars and empty water bottles on any visible piece of land instead of waiting to throw it away in its proper waste bin. Why is that? Can someone explain to me why people are lazy and unmotivated when it comes to taking care of the environment? 

Every time you recycle a bottle, it gets reused and is made into another bottle. Every time you shred your paper and recycle it, that helps to make vegan-friendly items. Every time you pass up the chance to wear things made out of genuine leather, you're helping to keep the cows alive. But even then, they still get battered and made into meat all of us humans have to eat. I'm not judging though; we all have our own personal diets/eating habits. 

Out of everything that humanity does that can piss a person off, the one thing that irks me the most is being wasteful- and yes, even I try my best to not be wasteful. However, I'm not going to pick up the habits of a hobo or homeless person; I wouldn't want to risk getting sick eating things from the garbage.

I am a strong believer in recycling as much as you can, up cycling any item that's still in fair condition, and keeping the roads and open water free from anything that could be hazardous to wildlife/any stray animals. It shouldn't be that hard to take those few extra steps towards a trash can, recycling bin or ash tray. 

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