
My Experiences in Love + Some Words to Think About

At one point I was single and at first, I hated it. I can still remember the days of feeling sorry for myself and wondering why I kept getting rejected by guys that I liked.

After wearing myself out from trying to pursue guys who weren't interested in me, I spent more time with my friends and family before I was taken aback by a kind stranger sitting outside my school during the day of ACT testing. I've always been a little naive as a teenager, and needless to say that my 3-month fling with that guy didn't end well. I can still remember the day he walked out on me without saying goodbye and I remember feeling heartbroken because I thought I was in love with him. 

I may not have had any substantial relationships in my past, but at least I know now that love is a never-ending experience. You do what you can with what you're given in that moment and you try your hardest to not give up or give into doubt or fear. You encourage one another in any way you can and be a shoulder to lean on for each other when it's needed. Every thought or emotion you have may overwhelm you in that moment, but it'll pass eventually and you will feel like yourself again at some point. 

Relationships aren't easy and love isn't something to take lightly; once you tell somebody that you love them, you have to be ready for anything. If you don't feel ready or have commitment/trust issues, then perhaps you should be focusing on fixing yourself instead of dating people that you don't know if you can trust or commit to. 

Every time a person leaves you in life, take it as a lesson learned and do your best to move forward. Being single is not a bad thing and it's not healthy to throw pity parties for yourself. There's nothing wrong with you and those who have left are the ones who have issues. Your worth will be noticed by those who actually care about you. 

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