
I Am a Creative Weirdo: My Backstory w/ Interior Design

This is something I feel like I haven’t touched on yet, but home decorating is another thing that I enjoy doing for fun. However, my taste and style has changed a lot over the years. I used to be all about colors that are fun and bright (especially when I was a teenager), but nowadays, I prefer colors that are more soft or neutral.

Now before I talk any more about interior decorating itself, I want to give a little backstory about where I get my inspiration. I think it’s normal for some kids or teenagers to just go for bold choices without thinking about those other little details, but over the years (especially in my early and mid 20’s), I’ve been gaining more knowledge from the help of Kate Albrecht and Joey Zehr (more well known as Mr. Kate). Kate is a self-taught interior designer, and her partner Joey does a great job with construction and building. The two of them also just happen to be married and recently gave birth to their first child. He’s honestly adorable and I feel like the two of them are going to be great parents!

One of Kate’s trademarks is to be creative and to be your own unique self, hence the term “creative weirdo”. Creativity takes on many forms and is a very individual thing depending on each person’s interests/hobbies and passions in life. Your creativity could be with arts and crafts, music, interior design, fashion, beauty, writing, etc… The possibilities are literally endless when it comes to creativity, but once you know what your strengths and weaknesses are with these different creative ideas, you can find out what works for you and do what you want with it.

My style when I was fifteen/sixteen was bright, girly and pink. I’ve always had a soft spot for pink, so when I was around that age, I decided to go for an accent wall with that color. Thinking back a couple years before that when I was first given my own bedroom, my walls were yellow. I feel like this phase of infusing bright colors into my room stuck around up until last year. For as long as I’ve had my own room, I’ve had this bright pink, yellow, green and red duvet cover on my bed, so because of that, I was always editing my space so that it can match with those colors.

I’d say that my style now is more neutral, soft, minimal and slightly eclectic. I still enjoy pink, but I like playing around with softer tones, like blush or baby pink. I also really love earthy green like what you would see in plants. When I took the “What’s My Aesthetic?” quiz on the Mr. Kate website, a big portion of my aesthetic turned out to be farmhouse, and in all honesty, I’m not against that. I do think there’s this calming and also homey vibe to the farmhouse style. And while I don’t trust myself to take care of real plants, I do think that fake plants and different types of wood can look great together!

It’s funny how as you grow and evolve, so does your style. I feel like I’ve learned a lot thanks to Kate and Joey when it comes to interior design. The amount of talent they have is honestly an inspiration to me as I continue to learn, grow and evolve in my own creative weirdness. So whether if this is just a fun hobby or if it’s a passion of yours that you want to build professionally, there’s really no right or wrong way to go when it comes to interior design. So if you happen to stumble across this Kate, I just want to thank you for being an inspiration to me. It would honestly be amazing to meet you someday or even to have you help decorate my own space some time in the future. Keep up the great work and be sure to give baby Moon a hug for me!


Hygge, Minimalism & The Art of Doing Less

For those who don't know this, hygge is a Danish word that focuses on the well-being of an individual. One thing that I find interesting about this lifestyle is that no matter where you are in the world, anybody can apply this lifestyle to their lives.

One thing that I find funny when looking at America and Denmark side by side is that while we do take pride in individuality, freedom and maybe even unity, we are all opinionated in our own unique ways. Now of course, I don't live in Denmark, but one thing that I've noticed through other travel blogs is that it's definitely one of the happiest places in the world, and I do believe that the concept of hygge has a little bit to do with that.

America in general thrives off of a lot of different things. We have jobs, family, friends and other loved ones, but perhaps for some, family is too far away or no longer around. America is "home of the free" where we get to be whomever we want, but I know that even the most grounded of us can get lost in the noise and excess sometimes. When minimalism became big the first time around, it kind of gave off a mix of different reactions. In a way, I guess minimalism is the Americanized version of hygge, but the thing that kind of makes minimalism intimidating as opposed to hygge is those extreme examples we see on social media where people live with next to nothing. If there's one thing that I honestly can't stress enough, it would be that minimalism is very much an individual thing and cannot be defined by any other person except yourself.

At its very core, what makes minimalism different from hygge is that while it does help our well-being, it can also lead to self-discovery in some ways. I feel like it's normal for a lot of us to feel lost when we're first starting out in life and experiencing reality for ourselves. Even before I started out with minimalism, I had a good idea of what I valued at the time, but at the same time, I was going through a lot of different phases and changes with my personality, hobbies/interests and even relationships. However, as I got further along into my minimalism journey in the last year, I feel like I've been able to reconnect with what really matters to me and branch out more into other things, like this blog I have. With me being introverted and quiet by nature, it can sometimes be hard for me to put myself out there on a level that's personal and transparent. When I'm writing about my struggles or just other ideas that are inside my head however, I feel a little more free and less burdened by whatever it is I'm going through. Not only that, but it really helps to fuel my creative energy and encourages me to do more of what I love.

I think one the biggest lessons I've learned in the last year is that it's okay to settle for contentment. Whether if you're a minimalist or not (or if you're Danish), being content with what you already have will lead to more happiness. At the same time however, it's okay to branch out and be adventurous. It's okay to make do with what you have, but at the same time, there's nothing wrong with stepping out of your comfort zone- and I honestly would encourage this a little more often as it helps us to grow as individuals. In the end, it's all just about balance no matter how you decide to define your lifestyle.


Social Media vs. YouTube: The Blogging Industry

Ever since I started talking about fashion, sustainability and other lifestyle topics on my blog, I feel like my audience here has become a little stagnant at times. Be it, I’m not doing this to earn more money or gain a big following at the moment, but I do sometimes wonder if people in the blogging industry in general get enough recognition for what they do. 

I personally still enjoy writing out my thoughts, ideas and insights this way and sharing them to places like Twitter or Instagram. And while I kind of see YouTube as its own platform for creativity, connection and other opportunities, I can also see why this platform can be considered a social outlet in some ways. YouTube is becoming a lot more diverse these days as it continues to be a place for not just creativity and connection, but also opportunities for jobs and business. It still blows my mind sometimes how people are able to make a living off of their online content, but from what I’ve heard/seen, there’s a lot more to it than just showing your face or recording your day-to-day life. 

So when it comes to the blogging industry/community, I feel like YouTube could lead to more opportunities in some ways. Recognition though is hard to come by, especially if your standards are very specific or even if you’re just starting out. Through Instagram, I sometimes get comments from different companies asking if I’d like to collaborate with them, but knowing my own standards, I would only say yes if the company is transparent about their ethics or sustainability practices. 

I used to have a video up on my YouTube page about my handbag collection, but it’s been taken down since then. At some point I might start making videos again, but before I get to that point, I want to do some research about the creative field in general. I feel like I was ill equipped beforehand and while I did have a plan all laid out, I had this big-picture mindset of thinking my success would grow overnight which lead to stress and anxiety. 

Social media these days can lead to opportunities as well, but using Facebook alone doesn’t do much good from what I’ve noticed personally. Most young people these days prefer Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat. I myself don’t have Snapchat, but in knowing the appeal behind it and how it allows content creators to develop a deeper connection with their audience, it does make sense. I myself really love Instagram because it allows me to showcase my work in a visual way while still being able to share new blog posts. One thing I like about Twitter is that you get to share more of yourself either from a professional or personal standpoint. A while back, I deleted my old Twitter account from when I was in high school, and after a few days, I made a new one that I can share my work on. Be it, I still like to follow people or interests on there, but most of what I follow now is in line with what I follow on YouTube (ie. minimalism, fashion, music/musicals and anime). 

So overall, I feel like the amount of opportunities is still there no matter what path you take. Social media in general has grown a lot since it was first invented, so I’m glad that I’m starting to embrace that as a side project for now at least. I’m content with what I’m doing, and the content I’m making on my blog is a lot of fun. And while I do feel like I’m starting to consume social media a little more, I do still try to take breaks so that I don’t become stressed or burnt out. It’s all about balance no matter if you use social media for personal or professional reasons.


My Shoe Collection

When it comes to footwear, I typically like to keep things simple, basic and comfortable. In fact, I'd say I value comfort now much more than I ever did as someone in my early 20's. I used to have three or four pairs of heels in my collection, but nowadays, I only have two. The first is just a pair of simple, black heels. The second is these nude, wedge-heeled sandals with laces. They're both great for more dressed-up occasions, but knowing my lifestyle and how it's pretty casual, I don't turn to them as often. 

Most of what I wear in the spring and summer is sandals (and sometimes in the fall as well), so because of that, I have six pairs of those total (plus two other options that are more of a statement). I also have one pair of loafers that I've had for several years actually. The weather here in Tennessee can be a bit unpredictable at times, so I'm glad I have those loafers for if I want something a little warmer without revealing too much of my feet. 

So because of the kind of job I have, I own two pairs of sneakers. The ones I get the most wear out of are these old, Nike sneakers with pink trim and swoosh. More recently however, I bought myself a new pair of black sneakers (also the Nike brand). They're both very comfortable and easy to walk around in as well as just to stand up in (and I do a lot of standing at my job). The third pair of sneakers I have are blue converse ones; I mainly use them for travel or running errands. 

I personally think you can't go wrong with having a couple slip-on options when it comes to shoes. I have one pair of slip on sneakers which are great for if I just need to grab the mail or bring something in from the outside freezer. I also have one pair of slide-on mules that I love as they go with a lot of what's in my summer/spring capsule. The last pair I have are these Croc-style sandals which are perfect to wear by the pool or beach. 

The last category which is the most minimal in my collection is boots. I have one pair of winter boots for if the roads or sidewalks get snowy or icy, but that seems to be rare here these days where I live. However, I'd say the one pair that I get most wear out of my is black Chelsea boots from H&M. You really can't go wrong with a pair of black boots, so I'm happy that I found those a few years back. The other pair of boots I have is in brown suede. I have worn these a few times since buying them last year, but I especially like to wear them for dressier events in the fall or winter time.

I do hope that this outline of what I have helps you to determine what can fit into your lifestyle. I don't really consider myself a shoe person as I mainly use them for practical reasons, but I do have a couple more stylish options thrown in there. And just like I did for my last collection post with handbags, the visuals for this will be on my Instagram. Enjoy! 


Gilmore GIrls Series Review

So if this wasn’t known already, GIlmore GIrls is my favorite show to watch whenever I just want to unwind and not think about anything else. It has drama, romance, comedy and lots of fast talking. In the world of the Gilmores, one has to be caffeinated enough to keep up with this show’s pace sometimes.

Lorelai and Rory’s relationship is special. They have this bond that makes them not just mother and daughter, but also best friends. The first 4 seasons are very well written as they provide enough balance for who they are as individuals as well as who they are when they’re together. Season 5 is pretty good as well, but from there on, I personally feel like the writers could have done better. Rory’s character is special, so while I understand that perhaps this good girl wasn’t going to stay good forever, I do feel as if they could have found a way to give Rory’s character a better ending, especially with the way they ended her relationship with Logan Huntzberger. In a way though, I can see why they chose to have Rory choose herself instead of a guy because it reinforces the feminist message behind this show.

I’ll admit that I’m not crazy about feminism in general, but for the show’s sake, I do think it's had its moments of good. It’s not that I believe we shouldn’t invest in ourselves, but rather, I believe that we all deserve to experience love and should learn how to share our lives with those who care about us, whether if it’s with a significant other, a close friend, or in this show’s case, your daughter.

The romances in this series are certainly dramatic enough to keep people entertained. My favorite pairings are definitely Lorelai and Luke, and Rory with Jess. I’ll even admit that I enjoyed seeing Rory with Dean, but if Dean hadn’t been so insecure or jealous, I feel like the two of them could have settled and live happily with each other. My favorite friendship pairings are definitely Rory and Paris, Sookie and Lorelai, and of course, Rory and Lorelai.

Now of course, this show wouldn’t be what it is without the infamous Emily and Richard Gilmore. The two of them may have their faults- Emily especially, but you can tell as the show progresses that they do care for their daughter. Now I’m sure that if Lorelai were real, she would disagree with this statement, but I’m thankful that she isn’t.

The amount of times I’ve watched this series is honestly lost on me now. I enjoy immersing myself into the Gilmore world on occasion these days, so because of that, I won’t be giving up this show any time soon.


Mistakes to Avoid When Decluttering

When I first got into minimalism, I didn’t have a clear vision of what that would look like for me. However, I knew to start with my closet first. A couple of the bloggers/content creators I follow have pointed out this one mistake of decluttering too much on the first round and that’s something that has resonated with me. So when you first get into the purging process, take your time. Start by picking out one spot in your home, and from there, work on other categories instead of trying to do one room or space at a time.

Do you ever decide to purge only to buy more stuff to fill that empty space afterwards? I used to have this problem, and what I’ve learned is that it’s okay to have empty space. When you look at an empty space in your home, it’s easy to think that you have to keep that space full with something, but in the case of minimalism, having that negative space can actually be freeing. So the next time you think about spending out of habit after you’ve decluttered, try to have these three questions in mind before making a purchase:
Is this item going to serve a purpose for me, or will it just take up space?
Do I already have something similar to this item that I want?
Will this item be something I can use and love for a long period of time?

Decluttering just for the sake of decluttering can sometimes be wasteful depending on what you’re tossing out or donating. I’ve fallen into this mindset a couple times, and while I understand that it can be fun to an extent, you really have to be cautious because doing this can result in you not having enough of something, especially if it’s something essential like socks or underwear. I typically always try to evaluate my space every couple months to make sure that I don’t have too much of something or if there’s other items that I’m not using as much as I used to.

One thing I remember struggling with in the past is that if I ever felt overwhelmed or stressed by the amount of clutter I had, I would just buy a new organizing solution and shove all of my stuff into that. One thing I don’t really like about organizing containers is that it doesn’t solve the problem; it only aids it temporarily. The amount of stuff we accumulate in general can easily take control of us if we’re not careful with what we bring in, so because of this, I’ve eliminated those containers as well as the stuff inside of it that I no longer needed. Doing this has helped me immensely, so if you’re someone who’s in this situation currently, I’d advise to really evaluate your belongings and get rid of what you’re no longer using. This will help to free up space in your home as well as keeping you from feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

I hope that these tips and insights are helpful to you in some way. One thing I’d like for you to remember is that minimalism or decluttering in general is an on-going process. Knowing how most Americans are (or just people in general), there will always be little hidden spots of clutter even after you’ve purged the bulk of what you don’t need, but that’s just part of what makes minimalism a journey. If you ever have any further questions or just need advice, feel free to share that in the comment section below!


My Minimalism Journey (part 2): Mental Health

I feel like minimalism at its core is this practice of living with intention and meaning. Once you've reduced your belongings to only what's necessary for you, it gives you more freedom to accomplish what actually matters to you.

I was in a pretty frazzled state last year during the summer. I had gotten home from job training school and felt anxious, stressed and a little depressed. I felt like I wasn't my best self which really put me in a bad place. The relationship I've had with YouTube up until recent months is that I used it as a way to escape. I wanted to escape reality and get lost from the noise inside my head. When I first got into minimalism, I didn't plan anything out, so when I first started decluttering, I did a lot of things out of emotion and impulse.

When I think back on this now, I realize that combining minimalism with the KonMari method is what worked best for me as I continued on this journey of sorts. Once I had decluttered what was unnecessary to me, I slowly started to work on my mental health. When I was at the job training school, I was able to take that first step as the place had a psychologist there that I could talk to for free. The time I spent there talking to him was definitely helpful, but I think what has resonated with me the most since then is just being aware of my habits and how my mind works.

With me living at home, I try my best to keep myself active and entertained in a way that feels balanced and natural. I've learned a lot since the start of last summer, but it wasn't easy by any means. I've lost touch with quite a few people, but I'm okay with that. I enjoy my alone time as well as being around my family and two cats. I enjoy writing on my blog, and I enjoy my job at Goodwill. Whenever I have a day off, I typically like to spend it by creating more prompts for me to share on my blog. I also still listen to music often, and I also have a deep love for anime. I also enjoy fashion and sharing the different outfits I come up with on social media.

I'd say I've come a long way since last year, or even four years ago. I do still go to counseling every two weeks for general check-ups and other issues that I might want to talk about. It does help, knowing that I have someone to talk to whenever I need it. The coping mechanisms I have now versus last year definitely seem to have a better impact on me. Be it, I do still get emotional or impulsive on occasion, but I try to be accepting of that because I know I'm not perfect. Most things in life I've learned are best done in moderation. You don't have to be strict all the time, but if you're too lenient with yourself, then you won't be making any progress. So all in all, I feel like I've finally achieved a balance that works for me.


What is Slow Fashion and Why Is it Important?

Slow fashion works towards a vision that supports better ethics and sustainability. It supports this mission that those who put in the labor to make our clothes should be treated better and be paid more than enough in order to live. When you see that "Made In China" tag on your clothing, do you think about the amount of work that goes into the clothes we wear? Do you think about the amount of hours they have to spend just to make one single shirt? The thing with fast fashion or even just the fashion industry in general is that a lot of what goes out doesn't stay in style for very long. Certain trends may stay a little longer than others, but most of what you see gets discarded after a few weeks.

Sustainability is a huge part of slow fashion, but to understand why that is, I first want to break down the three ways in which sustainability can help our planet as well as our wardrobes in general. These three concepts all connect to each other: Eco-fashion, lasting/timeless fashion and ethical fashion. Now If you're someone who's spent a lot of time shopping at fast fashion retailers, this could easily influence your perspective on clothes in general. Clothing that's made to last however will last much longer.

The first eco-fashion company that I supported was Organic Basics. They sell undergarments and t-shirts which are made out of organic cotton. A while back, I chose to buy myself a bralette and in all honesty here, I love it. It's comfortable enough to wear under anything, so it doesn't really feel like I'm wearing an actual bra. I also love how the material is light and breathe-able, plus there aren't any wires. This is just one example of what sustainability looks like as it delves into finding more eco-friendly materials to work with in clothing.

Ethical fashion focuses more on better treatment to those who put in the labor and effort to make these clothes. Not only that, but it can also focus on better pay so that those who are putting in the labor can help support themselves and/or their families. This something that I feel could be quite rewarding/gratifying if I were to start a company with this kind of mission because America is greedy enough as it is. Americans are easily judged as greedy because of how much time we spend on ourselves in various ways, but wouldn't it be nice if we were known for something a little more positive for once? On a global scale at least, showing compassion for those in other third world countries feels seemingly rare, and the fact that Donald Trump is our president doesn't help this case.

Timeless or lasting fashion can take on many forms, but I think the biggest impact we could make as a society is to consume more thoughtfully. Oddly enough, minimalism does seem to overlap with fashion in some ways as it provides a different view and system when caring for our clothing (ie. the capsule wardrobe). The idea of owning less clothing or creating a capsule closet can allow for more creativity with your outfits, plus it can help extend the life of what we already have before and after decluttering. I myself have adapted to the capsule wardrobe system and I honestly love it. I feel like I have enough options to be playful, but I also have enough basic options for if I want a more basic or timeless look to my outfit.

I personally believe that slow fashion is the better option when looking at fashion as a whole, but if anything, I hope that this gives you some awareness of what the concept is. If you've seen my outfit posts on Instagram, you'd know that I enjoy this combination of timeless fashion with a touch of playfulness. I'm not afraid of color, but at the same time, I have a high sense of appreciation for the other basic colors (black, white and grey). With everything I've experienced from a consumer's standpoint, I'd say that I feel a lot happier. I feel like I have a better sense of what my style is now versus five or six years ago, so for me at least, I'd say this is a wake up call that I needed.


The Self-Care/Self Love Edit

With all the content that I watch and follow from others on this topic, I feel like it can be easy to fall into a certain mindset that feels too strict or rigid with ourselves and the way we go about self-care in general. I myself have fallen into this pattern where I thought I had to stay on top of things all the time, and if I didn't, I'd just give up. This habit can often lead to laziness or not feeling motivated to do anything because of this "all or nothing" mindset. 

Self care is important, but the concept of that can branch out in a lot of different approaches. Whether if you're into fitness, yoga, taking hot showers or sitting inside a warm bathtub with some kind of bath salt, there are a lot of ways you can implement self care. What I've learned over the years though with my self-care routine is that these little things we do for ourselves CAN be edited. Everyone's lives are different, and as we continue to evolve, so does our habits. Now I'm not saying this for the sake of hurting anybody or for the sake of being judgmental, but if you're someone who's always wanting things to be perfect, you might want to reevaluate your priorities in life and how you come across to others if this is something you struggle with.

Perfectionism is something I've struggled with some in my early 20's. The thing with this habit and how it ties into self care is while there's nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself, there's a difference between that alone and alienating yourself for whatever reason that may be. I myself have had moments where I felt the need to be by myself for a little while, but there have also been times where I just wanted to be away from people and not speak to anyone. The big difference here between these two things has a lot to do with your attitude or outlook on life.  

Self-love and self care both fall into this mentality of wanting to care for your health and well-being, and while these concepts can be beneficial at times, they can also be detrimental. Self love is important because it helps us to distinguish our boundaries and what we don't easily tolerate. Self care on the other hand is a habit/practice we use to help ourselves feel safe, calm and at peace. What these two concepts should not be is an excuse for a lack of personal growth. It shouldn't be an enabler or some kind of crutch for whatever other issues you're struggling with when it comes to life in general. 

So to wrap this up, I want to leave with you something to think about: would you rather continue learning and growing, or would you rather stay the same? You can still do whatever works for you and continue going about your routine, but when it comes to life, what are you doing to help better yourself? What steps are you taking to ensure that you are living your best life in a positive way? I feel like it's easy for a lot of us to get wrapped up in our physical health and appearances, but don't forget to check in with your emotions or mental health every now and then. Ask yourself the hard questions that you might have been avoiding lately; I can promise you that it'll be worth the pay off in the end.