My hobbies are for my own sense of peace and satisfaction, but making time for them isn't always easy. There are a lot of things I enjoy doing for fun- reading, blogging, doing puzzles, sketching, playing the piano or just spending time with my 2 cats.
I've struggled a lot to identify what it is that I feel passionate about over the years. I have ADD, so it's hard enough to keep myself focused on the bigger picture sometimes or to not get distracted by things. I know that fashion is something I've always held a passion for. I also know that self-expression is important to me in general. I love writing. I love posting different musings, stories or other interests I have onto this blog.
I've circled through a lot of different topics onto this blog, like fashion, minimalism, anime or any other shows/movies I've watched. I know I've also talked about other lifestyle related things, like health and wellness. I've learned a lot about myself because of me talking about all these different interests I have, and I'm glad that I have this blog as a time capsule of sorts to help document my growth as a person.
There is no definitive conclusion I have for this particular post, but I do know that for a while at least, I've been inactive here on my blog. I'm going to start changing that. If there are any small goals I have going forward, it's not only to start blogging again (generally speaking), but also to start thinking more creatively again when it comes to what kind of content I want to make. I think that going forward, I want to start being more open and spontaneous when it comes to what it is I decide to write about. Writing stories takes up a lot of time, but there are still certain aspects of the process that I enjoy. I'm sure I'll find more inspiration on things to write about as time goes on, but for now, this post is going to act as a spring board for more creative growth and spontaneity!
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