
My Views on Reality

1. You don't have to be spiritually connected to be a good person. I mean sure, having some spirituality can be a good thing, but the thing that makes all of us humans the same is our emotions. If we were to strip away our personal beliefs and just look at each other's hearts, 9 times out of 10 you'd see that most humans aren't that bad.

2. Life is a funny thing. You never know what's going to happen and where it's going to take you. But at the very core of it, the one reality that I've come to realize is that while we can't control the circumstances, we can control how we choose to deal with them. Of course, I kind of knew this already for quite some time, but I just wanted to point it out again because it's something that I feel strongly about.

3. When it comes to chasing dreams/goals we want to have, there are two ways of looking at the long road ahead. While some people choose to not give up and continue to push through to get what they want, others find themselves taking detours. Neither of these courses in life are wrong and no one should be judged for those circumstances, but the reality here is that while we all have dreams and goals, it will always be up to YOU to decide whether or not you really want to go for it. The only person who is capable of slowing you down is yourself. 

4. Reality itself can sometimes make a person seem cynical or rigid, but what you have to understand is that everybody interprets life differently. If someone disagrees with your views, that doesn't mean that they're a bad person.... It's all about experience, really. Sometimes experience can make people feel weary and doubtful, and for others, they'll feel more encouraged and stronger in the end.

5. I personally don't believe in fate or destiny. I believe that we as human beings DO have some control in how we want our lives to turn out. And while some of us may be more faulty than others in regards to decision-making, it's important to realize that we have a conscience (and God for those who are Christians) to fall back on to help redirect us. So another reality here to be aware of is what your moral upbringing is. What life has taught you so far and how much worth you have can go a long way in determining where your life is going to end up. 


Why do we judge?

What is judgement? I feel that most people consider judgement to be critical or hateful; that no good can come from being judged. Taking this into social context, judgement is a word that seems to have a very negative light. When people are judged by their actions, they get defensive. When people get judged for how they look, talk, or act, some take it personally- that's called bullying.

Observation... Is it any different from judgement? You look/read, digest the information, then make a conclusion based on the given information. This process is used a lot inside school buildings for science and other basic subjects, but how does this come into play in social situations? We as humans tend to make judgements based on how people act, talk, and look on the outside. Once we get a feel for a person and how they interact with us, we then decide whether or not we like this person. We remember their face and from there we decide whether or not to keep hanging out with them. This process of judgement has been around for years. Do I wish it existed? It's hard to say. We could go without being so observant of other people's behaviors and just focus more on social chemistry, but I feel that that just isn't enough to determine compatibility between humans. We always have to know what the other person likes or doesn't like. We want to know their opinions on the most relevant topics in today's society. We want to know who they are through actions and what they would do in made-up scenarios. All these questions we ask each other help us to judge who they are and what kind of personality they have.

Now back to the subject of critical judgement. I personally feel that critical judgement is used a lot these days, especially when someone makes a mistake or breaks a promise. Anything that falls under the category of being human is judged critically or unfairly. People are so quick to react when someone does something that's out of character. And while I understand that being a person of good character is important, I feel that we also need to realize that NO HUMAN IS WITHOUT FLAWS. When we are deceived or betrayed, we need to consider this: would we rather let our hurt feelings get in the way of this situation, or should we just see people for who they are, flaws and all?

Judgement is a slippery slope in today's society. Most people tend to overreact or burn the bridge too quickly instead of being sensible. That's probably one reason why a lot of relationships end. So remember what I said about people not  being without flaws. People make mistakes; it's part of human nature.

Love Is...

1. Respect 
2. Reminding your partner how much they mean to you
3. Little gestures of kindness
4. Trusting each other
5. Staying with each other through the good times and bad times
6. Open and honest communication 
7. Finding a way to compromise if a problem/disagreement can't be resolved 
8. Unconditional and all-accepting

*Now I want to verify the very concept of respect. Self-respect is always a good thing to have, but there's a fine line between that and respecting your partner.  A lot of people leave relationships for different reasons, and I do realize that most humans tend to be selfish, but we can't just think of ourselves entirely when trying to end a relationship. It's never a bad idea to ask and listen to your partner's opinions on the matter regardless of what they said or did to hurt you. I believe that it's always a good idea to gain perspective to better realize and understand why people do what they do in relationships, because everybody has their own way of showing/expressing their love. 

*I also want to point out that relationships are never perfect. It takes work on both ends. When you give your heart to someone and promise to be there for them, you NEED to uphold that promise. I believe that relationships are investments and should be taken seriously. And while I understand that no one's perfect and people make mistakes, I personally believe that we can always find a reason to forgive the worst. Of course, most people don't like staying with someone who keeps repeating their mistakes or is just thoughtless in their actions. People like that need a wake-up call of their own, but I don't want to stray too far off topic here. The main point here is to realize that you can't expect people to change; people have to be willing to change themselves first.