I feel like the one thing that's helped me maintain my weight is cutting out all sugar, and even though I still enjoy meat, I've found it helpful to branch out every once in a while and find more sustainable ways to get protein in my diet.

Sugar is found in a lot of processed or prepackaged food, so because of this, I've made it a priority to eat less of that and more foods that are natural, fresh and organic. I used to eat a lot of frozen dinners or snacks (especially ones that had pizza flavoring), and because of this, I would find myself either not feeling full afterwards or even feeling bloated. I've always had a bit of a stomach in my late teens and early 20's, so when it came to my eating habits, I wasn't really making things better by eating frozen dinners or just frozen food in general.
When it comes to work, I typically like to make wraps or salads for lunch or even take leftovers from the night before. When I make these wraps, I typically load them up with veggies like cucumber, tomato, spinach or romaine lettuce and some kind of deli meat (or chicken on occasion). This usually keeps me full until I get home.
The kinds of salads I like to make either contain some kind of meat (like ham or turkey) or a mix of almonds and cashews. Sometimes when I make these salads, I occasionally like to experiment with my dressing of choice. I once tried combining olive oil with balsamic vinegar and I highly enjoyed it.
I'd say the one thing I've struggled with for the longest time is my relationship with pizza and carbs in general. I do feel like I'm slowly getting better at this, but just like anything else in life, it takes practice and effort. Now I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but if you're open or willing enough into changing a habit like eating healthy, then you just HAVE to go for it with no excuses. I personally have found that if I make excuses or procrastinate on something, I'm less likely to get the task done. Sometimes in order to do this, I'll write down visible reminders on my white board. Other times, I'll use Pinterest, Instagram or YouTube as a source of inspiration.
So all in all, I'd say I feel a lot more happy with where I'm at in life because of the choices I've made health-wise. Be it, I do sometimes indulge in something sugary, sweet or salty, but I'd rather go for a more balanced approach to my diet instead of focusing on the nutrition label all the time or always checking my weight. I feel like that hasn't been much of an issue for me personally, but I understand how it can be a thing for others. I do hope that me sharing my experiences is helpful to you in some way. We all deserve to live a life that makes us feel healthy and happy! :)
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