
An Update About My Health Journey

My relationship with food continues to be a gradual learning process. A couple months ago, I found out that I was basically diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Watching my carbs is something I had to adjust to- and this so far has been somewhat of a struggle- and in addition, I have to work on portion control. Working on my eating habits so far has been slow and gradual because I know that change doesn't happen overnight. 

I don't want to say that health and wellness is something I think about all the time, but I do try to be conscious of it and make sure I'm developing better habits as I progress in this new stage of my life and well-being. I still believe that finding foods that are nourishing and fuel your energy in a positive way can greatly benefit your growth in more ways than one, and because of me being pre-diabetic now, I realize that everything I learned early on in my 20's about health and wellness still applies. Nothing has changed except for having to be more mindful of my intake in calories. 

I think what made this transition difficult in the beginning was accepting that my health is changing, and it's as simple as that. Seeing the nutritionist and talking about the basics of healthy eating motivated me, but the label itself is what made me feel as if this type of change was negative and put me in this fear-based mindset. In all honesty here, I think part of me still struggles to accept that I am diabetic, because for so long before that point, all I thought about was the process itself of becoming more healthy and living a balanced life. 

If there's anything I hope you can take away from this post, it would be that no matter what kind of change you face, all that matters is that you try. This can be applied to anything from careers, finance, your relationships, your health or even something smaller like starting up a new hobby like reading, dancing or cooking. It's not impossible to change your habits, and the more you try and put in some amount of effort, the easier it'll become over time. 

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