
The Good, the Bad, and the Misguided

People can't be good all the time, but we can't also be seen as bad all the time. Humans are prone to making mistakes and sometimes our actions or intentions will be misread or judged by others. But when we label people as bad or good based on only their faults or just their good deeds, we fail to realize that they aren't perfect. We need to look at both sides of a person before we can judge or decide who he/she is.

Every person has a story that helps us to realize why they act the way they do; I can't stress that enough. However, I also realize that people need to be held responsible for their actions knowing that there are consequences for every choice we make, whether if the choice made was bad or good. 

Humans aren't gods, so why do some people put others on pedestals? This is a problem, especially with celebrities because they are seen constantly in the public eye and about half of them have a very young audience/fan base with misguided judgment- and I'm not saying that to be rude whatsoever. If you're just a mild fan of a celebrity, then this won't apply to you, but if you're someone who spends a lot of time obsessing over a celebrity and stalking their social media, then you need to realize that celebrities are not perfect. They are human just like you and don't need to be given special treatment just because of their status or fame. And while it's okay for you to be a fangirl/fanboy of any celebrity, don't let your emotions blind you from that reality. Even celebrities make mistakes in their lives and become easy targets for judgement when they slip up and say or do something wrong or bad. 

Good intentions have a way of changing based on how patient and self-assured you are with yourself and/or whatever situation you're in. Doubt may be inevitable sometimes either by your own mindedness or someone else's, but before the doubt sinks in, do your best to relax and reassure yourself. Bad intentions on the other hand are just there; they come without any warning. People whose intentions are only bad or selfish won't get very far in life on their own. 

I believe it's important to realize that every human on this earth is flawed and imperfect with some being more flawed than others. It's impossible for us to be good all the time or to please everybody. If someone doesn't like you for some reason, then consider yourself someone who's actually living life and has experienced it because life isn't perfect or easy. That's not to say that it's impossible for humans to get along, though. We just have to be patient enough and work on being better than we were yesterday or the day before. 

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