
Is There Really Any Evil?

Some people can start out good but become "evil" later. Others say that they can see evil in the world but not in themselves. And then there are those people who say that evil exists, but comes in the form of a serpent or some sort of spiritual figure. "Evil" is one of those words that is subject to debate and interpretation, but now I want to share my own thoughts on the matter.

I believe in the power of influence more than anything else on this matter. As infants we all start out as pure little beings, but life and different people have a way of influencing our thoughts and emotions. How we're raised and what we're taught to believe plays a huge part in who we become later in life. And just as a side note, the fact that religion is made by man alone should be enough for one to realize that without mankind, theology wouldn't even be around. So even if you were to say that the devil is real, how would you prove it? 

It's easy to portray evilness in TV shows and movies, but to portray it in real life is a little more complex. Going to back to what I said in the beginning, people can start out good but can become evil later. When a man or woman becomes evil, there's usually a reason for why they became that way. Every person on earth has a story to tell and can explain on a basic level their own thoughts and emotions if they wanted to. It's all a matter of choice if I'm being honest here; people can choose to be good or evil based on their own thoughts and emotions. The human mind is complex and when we make a decision in life, we can choose to either stand by it and follow through or do the opposite. 

We all know that there are some extremists in this world and they usually just don't know when to stop. They don't care to be reasoned with and won't listen to anyone else. They think that what they're doing is right or just for whatever reason and continue to do what they please. People who are like this also became this way for a reason and it's likely that they made that decision either on their own or with a religious agenda. As complicated as religion can be sometimes, I don't understand how people can continue to act the way they do and believe that what they're doing isn't sinful.

"Evilness" is interpreted in more ways than one, but from where I stand, I side with logic, reason, and mindfulness. The human being is the most complex individual on earth, but I believe that we all experience the same emotions. Our thoughts expand as we grow older and we start thinking more for ourselves on how we want to live and who we want to be. You just have to decide if you'll stay that way or not because sometimes, life will challenge you. 

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