I realize that I only write and make blog posts for my own sense of pleasure and enjoyment, and so it probably shouldn't matter so much what type of content I put out on this blog. In saying this however, there is one thing I want to touch on when it comes to making content in general regardless of which platform you use, and that's having confidence in yourself and knowing what your values are as a creator.
I enjoy writing about my experiences with minimalism, but I also enjoy writing about the different insights that come with understanding my own sense of style and how to be creative with it while also keeping sustainability in mind. I also still enjoy writing stories, but that process behind the scenes is much more time-consuming if I'm being honest here. When tying these different topics in with the idea of having confidence in yourself, I think about the tone in which these posts are being made: informative, keeping up this story-telling aspect, keeping things simple/to the point and keeping my readers engaged from beginning to end. Do I achieve this with every post I write out and publish? Probably not, but I do the best I can and try to learn from my mistakes or errors.
Another thing that I keep in mind with my posts is personalization. If I'm always writing things from only my point of view, then that would get boring or tiresome because I realize that my perspective is not the only perspective that's valid. This can definitely be applied to the posts I've made about minimalism and fashion/personal style since everybody's lives are different in these areas of interest, and even when writing my stories, I try to add in different points of view with the different characters I place within those stories.
If there's one thing I value much more now when it comes to my writing schedule, it's quality over quantity. With my writing style however, I'd say that I like to remain flexible, but I also like to keep things coherent and within a certain order or structure. I honestly feel grateful to have so much knowledge and experience when it comes to writing because of all the English classes I've taken throughout my years in school, which I know works well to my advantage when I write in a more creative space like this.
I realize my audience is probably small compared to other bloggers who've been doing this longer (and who probably use more social media platforms for sharing their work), but at this point in the game, I'm okay with that. The values I have for the kind of content I make will always be considered because my goal is to just express myself and hopefully introduce people to new ways of thinking. This ties not so much into a value, but more into a belief that I have that you're never too young or old to expand your knowledge and continue learning new things. I myself enjoy learning new things a lot, and so I guess you can say that's why a little more than half of my blog posts focus on a topic that's a little more "hard-hitting" or comprehensive. I hope these insights I shared are something you enjoyed reading!