Keeping in mind that this list will not include some antagonists or characters who have limited time or inconsistent appearances on screen, I thought this would make for something fun for me to write about. I’m a big fan of both series which originally aired on Nickelodeon quite a few years ago, but my dedication to the franchise didn’t really get started until I entered my 20’s. The way I’ll be ranking each character here is by personality as well as their agility when it comes to each character’s bending powers. There are many subcategories of bending that are explored in each series, and I plan to take those into consideration. If you’ve read the comics that follow the events after the TV series for The Last Airbender, please note that these rankings are a reflection of the TV series alone. I hope you enjoy this post!
1. Suki- Being part of the Kyoshi warriors is honestly something you can’t go without recognizing as Avatar Kyoshi is considered a very powerful Avatar. Even though her styles of fighting don’t involve any sort of bending of the elements, she’s displayed her fighting techniques numerous times, and even proves to be a great friend to not just Team Avatar, but also to Aang’s bison when he becomes lost in the wilderness. Her leadership qualities are just one of the many things I like about her when it comes to her personality. I can’t think of a time where she hasn’t caused trouble for anyone or hasn’t gotten onto anybody’s bad side.
2. Sokka- Just like Suki, Sokka is not someone who’s able to bend any of the elements, but he’s still a skilled fighter and is later trained by a swordmaster to help further improve his fighting abilities. Naturally, I’d say Sokka is someone who can aid on the offensive or defensive side in a battle but could still use some mentoring when it comes to being put into a leadership role. What makes me put Sokka so high up isn’t just his skills with a sword, but also his witty and sarcastic nature. In some moments throughout the series, he provides a unique sense of humor that just makes him very likable and also relatable at times.
3. Aang- The two words that automatically come to mind for me with Aang’s personality is boyish charm. Yes, he can be immature sometimes, but because of him staying young for so long due to being stuck in the iceberg, I have to commend him for trying to balance out his responsibilities as the Avatar while also wanting to have fun. It’s no secret though that Aang displays great power as an airbender, and while I can go on to recognize his best and most memorable feats as the Avatar, I’ll just say that Aang’s ability to wield the elements is something that is indeed amazing and awe-inspiring. The only thing that makes me place him at number 3 is in knowing that Air Monks typically would rather avoid conflict rather than confronting it.
4. Iroh- How can I keep this short while explaining the great depths of Iroh’s bending abilities? If there’s one thing we shouldn’t overlook, it’s that he’s probably the only other character (aside from the Avatar) who knows how to enter the Spirit World at will. Iroh displays his abilities and agility plenty of times despite his age, and with him being a solid mentor and a more positive father figure for Zuko, you can tell that he has a very warm and compassionate heart. He genuinely cares for the well-being of others and doesn’t take himself too seriously. I also respect his immense fondness for tea, or should I say that it’s more than a fondness? His love for tea and Pai Sho is honestly funny, but also annoying sometimes.
5. Toph- If you can’t relate to or at least sympathize with the circumstances that Toph is put through as a child, then I’m convinced that you don’t have a heart. I honestly wouldn’t say that she’s much of a brat, but she definitely isn’t afraid to admit her own strength and power. Being taught of her earth bending powers through badgermoles makes her more connected to the world around her, which is just one explanation for the depths of her powers. We all know that for the most part, she is self taught even though her parents try to find Toph a more suitable teacher, but looking now at her personality, I’d say that her blind jokes make her very funny and likable. Her rebellious nature also just makes her much more relatable because as some of us know, some rules are just meant to be broken, especially if they hinder a person’s ability to grow and develop.
6. Katara- While it’s understandable that a lot of her faults stem from the loss of her mother, it has to be noted that Katara’s mother-like and “uptight” nature just doesn’t sit well with some people. It’s probably the most off putting for Toph as her personality by nature is more rebellious. She also comes across as naive at the start of the series, but she does become more mature as the series progresses. Obviously Katara is a very powerful waterbender, and one of my favorite moments that make her very smart and resourceful is when she uses her own sweat to conjure up water to free herself and Toph from confinement. We also can’t forget the one-on-one combat session she had with Aang’s waterbending mentor from the Northern Water Tribe. Katara is someone who can definitely hold her own in a fight as long as she’s able to find a source of water.
7. Zuko- I know that Zuko is a fan favorite as his character development is the most dramatic, but in all fairness here, his personality almost matches that of his father at the start of the series. He starts off as very selfish and entitled, and he’s not very considerate of the needs of others. Being banished from his own home obviously can make a person harbor negative feelings, and it seems like Zuko struggles greatly to do the right thing when faced with big choices in his life. This goose hunt that he’s sent on to find the Avatar ends up the one thing that makes up his identity, and I’m not saying these things just to be mean or upset anybody with opposing opinions. It just amazes me how his powers and his personality don’t take on consistent change until he confronts his father and then teams up with Aang and his friends later in the series. Looking at his powers alone, it seems like his internal anger and frustration drives his use of fire-bending. Obviously the changes he makes later on in the series impact his character in a positive light, but what about his bending? Other than getting into the occasional fight with his sister, we don't see him use his powers that much once he does change for the better.
8. King Bumi- Being Aang’s friend since they were kids, I think that his personality is definitely unique in more ways than one. He likes to look at things from a perspective that’s outside the box and I can certainly respect Bumi for having that kind of mindset on life. Keeping in mind that he later joins the White Lotus, this goes without saying that he’s a powerful bender, but I feel like the depths of his powers could have been explored a little more. He doesn’t get much screen time when it comes to being in fights, but it’s definitely a fun treat to see him duel against Aang when Bumi invites him and the other members of Team Avatar over to his palace home.
9. Azula- Honestly, I’m a little biased when it comes to me placing Azula dead last in this category of characters from the first series. She’s the perfect antagonist for Team Avatar, but an even bigger menace to her brother Zuko and her friends (mostly to Mei when they were children). She has a lot of faults that were probably inherited from her father as she is conniving, persuasive, a bit snobby and elitist. Putting aside all of her bad characteristics, it’s easy to say that firebending is something she was just born with (to quote Zuko). She makes it seem easy and perfect, leaving nothing to chance or never wanting to leave the loose ends undone. I will say that watching her break down after the agni kai with her brother takes place made me feel for her for a split second, but considering all of her unwarranted behaviors towards other characters, it seems like that moment made the most sense as a consequence for her actions. It all just caught up to her in the end, and even when considering her insecurities, she could have owned up to some (if not all) of the mistakes she made.
1. Asami- Smart, pretty, resourceful and empathetic towards others are just some of the thoughts I have when assessing Asami’s character. She may not be a bender, but she does have other talents that make up for that that prove to aid her in combat. At the same time, however, we can’t blame any limits that were placed onto her because of her father’s risky involvement that later ruins their family company. If there’s one memory from the show that still stands out to me some, it’s how she was able to track down Korra and get her back home (with some help) when she decided to leave Republic City and become reclusive. This just goes to show how much she cares for the people she loves and would do anything in her power to help them.
2. Bumi (Aang’s son)- Bumi’s personality is fun-loving and honestly, kind of similar to King Bumi from the original series. He doesn’t take himself too seriously for the most part, but once his airbending develops later on in the show, he automatically becomes more than just the goofy uncle with many stories that don’t always win over the crowd. I’d say that to his credit, all those war stories that he tells actually benefits him later on once he does become an airbender as it allows him to get out of sticky situations. I just wish I could have seen more of his wit and efforts in the bigger fights on screen.
3. Jinora- Jinora’s connection to the spirit world is probably her biggest asset to the new Team Avatar in some cases, which is why I placed her as my third favorite character. That, plus she still maintains a good amount of youthfulness, a trait that was likely inherited from both her father and grandfather Aang. Still, she’s able to maintain a very serious demeanor when needed and spends a lot of time meditating, and unlike other visitors in the original series, she shows respect for the old relics in Wan Shi Tong’s library. A minor and irrelevant detail? Perhaps, but I feel like because she was born into the Air Nomad community, it’s just nice to know that she’s someone of pure intentions.
4. Korra- Headstrong, a little bit of a klutz, stubborn and short tempered would be some of Korra’s faults, but she does show great vulnerability as she progresses throughout the series as the Avatar. I feel like it’s fair for me to say that the amount of time she spent mastering airbending in the show kind of casts a giant shadow on the amount of time it took for her to master the other elements since she is a more “grounded” character. All things considered, she has taken on some big threats and defeated them successfully, but what drains her mental and physical energy the most out of all the baddies out there in the series is when she confronts and fights Zaheer. That arc in my opinion is very well written and showcases a more vulnerable side to Korra’s character which is something that I can appreciate.
5. Tenzin- I feel like it takes a lot to get Tenzin to smile, because for a little more than half the series, he’s shown to have a very serious look on his face. Of course, being the youngest child that Aang and Katara end up having, a lot of his personality and physical traits greatly resemble Aang before he died of very old age. I’d say that for someone of his stature, Tenzin’s airbending abilities are no exception. He knows how to handle himself for the most part in combat and remains resilient quite well. I can just barely remember when he helped with the defeat against Zaheer and his friends when they took the new Airbenders in training hostage… That was quite a challenge and the action within those scenes was well executed.
6. Mako- Insecure, indecisive, dishonest and a little stubborn at times, Mako doesn’t make for a very steady love interest no matter who he decides to date. I think that despite these flaws he has, he does prove to be a supportive and trustworthy friend when given the opportunity. The only reason why I put him as a higher ranking than his brother Bolin may have to do with another character trait that makes him more attractive, and that’s in knowing that he holds onto that red scarf that was his dad’s for almost the entire series. Sentimental? Maybe. I know Bolin is sentimental as well, and I can appreciate that in both characters. I think what also makes me rank him a little high when looking at his firebending is how he uses it effortlessly in the ring during pro-bending matches, rarely ever showing hot-headedness when using his bending. Ultimately though, I may just be biased because he gives off an energy that almost reminds me of a “bad boy” in some ways.
7. Bolin- He doesn’t seem to be the brightest bulb in the pack, and he’s not very forthcoming in certain romantic situations. He also possesses this awkward nature while also being a bit over-confident at times. All in all though, Bolin does know how to be in the moment and enjoy the little things in life. He makes a good friend for Korra, but that’s about it. I’d say if he could learn to better handle himself in certain romantic situations, I’d place him a bit higher on this list. If anything else though, he does display a great deal of power in his bending abilities. The least utilized but also unique power he possesses is knowing how to lava-bend, and metal bending ended up being a bit of a struggle. HIs earth bending however is top notch as he knows how to effectively dodge his opponents in a pro-bending game, plus he has a bit of natural strength and muscle which gives him an advantage as well.
8. Eska and Desna- It’s funny how even though these two are related to Korra through the relationship of their fathers being brothers, Eska and Desna have personalities that starkly contrast what Korra has to offer. We all know that Eska ended up being one of Bolin’s poorer choices of a love interest, but if we were to look at that relationship dynamic from a more comedic perspective, Eska definitely portrays a certain level of commitment that’s honestly next level to the point of hilarity. Desna, by extension, seems to share the same level of contemptment that Eska does on the outside, and the expressions they have after learning of their father’s death couldn’t be more fitting of who they are in my opinion. Also, I would add that while they don’t get a lot of on screen fighting time to show off their waterbending, it is impressive how Eska is able to run at top speed on top of water as she becomes mad for being stood up at her wedding with Bolin.
9. Zaheer- If it weren’t for what drove his ambition to kill, I would place Zaheer further up when it comes to his bending powers. It’s amazing how he was able to endure so many years in a confined cell, waiting patiently for a certain moment in time to come when he would claim his airbending powers. I can’t remember all the details of how he gained so much knowledge and insight, but I know he mentions that Guru Laghima had something to do with his very high connection to spirituality and the philosophy that makes up the Air Nomad culture even though he’s not an Air Nomad himself. Zaheer ended up being a perfect match for Korra when it came to testing her abilities as the Avatar, and what’s even more unlikely, he later becomes somewhat of a neutral catalyst in helping her to heal from the trauma of her battle against him once he has been defeated. Truly, I’d say Zaheer is my favorite out of all the antagonists in this series because of the complexities within his character.