
What Does It Mean to "Feel Depressed"? + Other Thoughts on Depression

Feeling depressed is completely different from being depressed- I can't stress that enough. At this point in my life however, I can feel the symptoms of my depression, but what confuses me is this: do I actually have clinical depression, or is it just seasonal/situational? Do my feelings of depression only show up when I continually avoid what I really need to do in order to heal myself both mentally and physically? My mental health may not be stable at times, but it usually doesn't happen on a constant basis. To be frank here, I feel as if being at that vocational school has really challenged me to see what my disabilities do to me on days where I'm just not feeling like myself.

I've never been professionally diagnosed with clinical depression, but I do have a deep understanding for those who do have some form of depression in general. We all know the statistics here; 1 out 3 people in the world will fall into depression. Some might need medication to help deal with it, but others may not want to go down that route- it all depends on the individual.

Feeling depressed is exactly what it looks and sounds like- one minute you're in an intense amount of pain or discomfort, the next minute you're back to normal. Feelings come and go; none of us are meant to stay in one emotional state for long. However, the difference to be aware of here is how long you hold onto the intensity of your emotions. Some people (including myself) have a harder time letting go of their negative emotions and focusing more on the positive ones.

"Overcoming" or "healing" depression is something you have to do continuously and put effort into every time. You don't just go through the process once then say you're healed for life; it doesn't work like that. Life doesn't stop for anyone no matter how old your are or how much experience you have. Once you find the right tools suited for you however and get some good, healthy practice in, you'll find yourself managing your depression better. 

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