I've been using the capsule wardrobe system for a few months now and since adapting to that, deciding on what to wear has become so much easier for me personally. It's harder to start from scratch, especially if most of what you own is more trendy or dressy, but I've gained most of my knowledge from YouTube. So when it comes to finding your style and building that "dream closet", the best channels that I can recommend to you would be Erin Elizabeth and Use Less (run by Signe Hansen).
2. It gives you more time to do what you love and enjoy in life. The less stuff you have, the more time you have to explore whatever talents, skills and hobbies you have. This could include painting, drawing, plant or animal care, walking/hiking, etc. It's said that we get more joy out of experiences than we do physical stuff, so why not start on that one hobby that you've left behind or haven't thought about in a while? It might make you feel better in the end.
I've never been someone to splurge on full-priced, luxury items. If I can find a good deal on something that's of great quality however, then I consider that a double win! When it comes to shopping in general, I try to be more mindful of what I'm spending my money on and see if these items will add any value to my life. One thing that I think is important to realize is that decluttering your physical possessions is not a one time solution that'll stop the clutter completely- I still have hidden clutter in different parts of my home and stuff still accumulates over time, especially if you're living at home still and have a mom or dad who likes giving you things, haha!
I have a Pinterest board that's dedicated to minimalism and whenever I look through that, I'm reminded of why I enjoy having less stuff. Buying things for the sake of having it was something I was very wrapped up in as a teenager, and even into the first couple years as a young adult. I just feel like all of that shopping was only creating more waste, plus half the stuff I was buying was of pretty cheap quality. Now I'm thankful that I don't have to worry about my own bills just yet, but if minimalism has taught me anything these last few months, it's that our views on happiness change the minute we do something to change that ourselves.