This post is going to be quick and simple, but I thought that now would be a good time to share with you that I have a big project in the works. Throughout the rest of the year, I'm going to start making more content surrounding my disability and how this affects my everyday life as opposed to all the other subjects that I've been sticking to in previous years on this platform.
I've been putting in a lot of time to research and self-reflect recently when it comes to how my ADHD shows up in different situations in life. If there's one conclusion I'm starting to form, it's that while I realize I'm not alone with the feelings I have as someone with a disability, it's still hard. Keeping up with how the rest of society does things is exhausting.
So here's to me finally **taking off the mask. I want people to become more aware and more educated on what it means exactly to have ADHD and to see the struggles that this disability imposes. I hope that you'll stick around to read every post that comes out in this series. And just to give you some context, here's an overview of what I'll be discussing:
1. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
2. Forgetfulness
3. Dealing with Stress In the Workplace
4. Dealing with Stress in Relationships
5. Emotional Regulation & Self-Esteem Issues
6. **Why People Decide to Mask Their ADHD Symptoms**
**This phenomenon will be defined and used in anecdotal situations to help give a better picture, and all sources will be listed and credited at the very bottom of each post.
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