I don't like staying quiet whenever something is on my mind. People say that you should treat people based on how you want to be treated, but let's get real here for a minute.... negativity, rudeness or being overly harsh are things that most people don't like putting up with. I realize that the kinds of people I've allowed into my life over the years off and on haven't been the nicest to me, but I don't consider myself to be someone who likes to beat around the bush or walk on eggshells. Being honest or blunt when giving criticism doesn't always mean that I'm being negative. It just means that I'm not afraid to say what's on my mind, whether the person is ready to hear what I have to say or not.
It honestly gets tiring to always put a filter on my thoughts. The way I speak is the way I speak. If someone wants me to sugarcoat things or put on this magical fairy dust act, well... That's just not me. I value my ability to be honest and straightforward, and I know that this platform and having this blog has been a huge help in allowing me to develop my own voice and opinions over the years.
At this point in my life, I really don't care if a person likes me or not. I may not always enjoy the feeling of being misunderstood, but at the same time, part of me is starting to care less about being understood by others in the first place. Let this be a reminder that it's okay to speak up. Being silenced by someone else doesn't have to be tolerated, and more importantly, NO ONE should have to silence themselves just for the sake of keeping the peace. There's more nuance within different relationships these days, and while I try to recognize this as a good thing, I also find myself needing to be reminded that this is why most- if not all- relationships don't work. People change. The things that we value are likely to change the more we grow and evolve. Disrespect, of course, never needs to be tolerated, but especially with romantic partnerships or marriage, I sometimes find myself in this mindset of being in the minority because I've been with the same person for more than 9 years now. Every relationship is going to go through difficult times, and I know that having some arguments with the person you love is considered normal. I guess in the end, being able to confront the person you love is the hardest challenge to face sometimes; I know this because I've experienced this. Sometimes, you just need to recognize when you've had enough of letting fear hold you back. You really don't know how a person is going to handle what you have to say until the words have been let out. With all of this being said, if you believe the relationship is worth holding onto, then it's worth holding onto. If not, then it's okay to move on. However, if any of you reading this is like me where it's easy to get confused or overthink things, then perhaps this post can give you a sense of comfort, encouragement or motivation.