
Finding "The One" + Important Relationship Advice

Now despite all these love/relationship posts I've been making, I just want to first admit that my experience is somewhat limited when it comes to this topic. Nonetheless, social media these days makes it easy to pin-point other relationship types and the flaws that it comes with. But for this particular topic, I can speak from personal experience as I used to be that girl who thought every guy I met was "the one".

It's taken me a lot of time to realize that not every guy I meet will be that guy. If you're a girl reading this post, then perhaps you'll understand how easy it is to form an attachment or crush on somebody, especially if they're attractive or just nice and friendly to you. For the better part of my teenage years all I could think about was boys; I'd spend a lot of time over-thinking the situation and putting my heart out on the line only to have it get stepped on or put aside because he didn't feel the same way. Now obviously, I've grown up a lot since then and I'm starting to realize more every day why it could never work out in the past. 

One big question you should ask yourself upon meeting a guy for the first time is this: do I genuinely love him, or am I just attracted to/infatuated with him? When you genuinely love someone and the feeling is mutual, that's when the relationship starts. But if you're just attracted to/infatuated with him with no reciprocation, then it's probably best to let go of those feelings. That guy that you're into needs to express the same amount of interest in you as you do him in order for that relationship to start; otherwise you're only going to be left with disappointment. 

I'm lucky to now be in a relationship with someone who cares about me greatly and vice versa with him, but when it comes to love, you need to be careful with your trust- especially in the beginning. Guys and girls alike are prone to making mistakes and hurting each other whether if it's intentional or not. It's up to you to decide if it's all worth it in the end because it takes time and patience in order for trust and respect to become mutual. What's also important is how you handle conflict, because while it's easy to lean on our own discernments, you have to realize that no one is perfect even after you've decided to commit yourself to one person. Making mistakes is part of human nature and you have to decide for yourself what's more important: you or the relationship. 

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