
Signs of Toxicity in School Environments

The only reason why I'm bringing this up is because sometimes, it's hard to feel like yourself when your surroundings are mostly negative. I've seen a lot of articles on the Internet that typically revolve around toxicity in the work place, but that's not the only environment that comes to mind when I think of a place that feels toxic. School is another place that can most likely give off negative vibes, and in most cases, it could be because of the students. However, I know that in other cases, it could be because of the teachers or administrators.

So I'd say the main thing that can make a school feel toxic is drama and gossip. Whether if it'd be about the teachers or even the students, if the gossip is constant and people just can't let go of how they feel about a situation, then that can highly effect everyone else around them. No one likes to feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed just because you or someone else is holding onto something they don't have control over, so that's why it's always best to try and let it go. However, if you can't do that for more than an hour at the least while you're still there, then perhaps it's best to move onto a better place.

Those who create drama and try sucking other people into their problems can also contribute to the toxicity of a school environment. A harsh reality we have to face when dealing with human interaction is that some people are just unaware of their actions and how it effects other people. There's only so much that a single person can do to say no and avoid drama, but if you've tried everything already and you still feel hung up on a certain situation, then maybe it's time to let go and move on.

Excessive rules that seem unreasonable or just aren't in the official handbook could also be another contributing factor to a toxic school environment. And as helpful as most teachers can be sometimes, some teachers in particular can be too preachy, forceful or impatient when dealing with their students. In other cases, some teachers can even say they want things done a certain way and don't allow much room for other options. Whatever flaws teachers have, sometimes it's more important to try and look past it. However, if a teacher or administrator ever becomes too difficult to work with because of their attitude or the way they treat you, then it might be best to report their behavior then leave.

No one should ever make you feel like you have a commitment to keep to some place if you don't feel comfortable in the school you're at. It's okay to say no and try something different. No one should have to tolerate excessive drama, gossip or abuse from anybody. However, please keep in mind that this does not apply to those who are under the age of 18.

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