
A Year in Review (2019 edition)

After reinventing the content I made earlier on this year, I've realized a few things when it comes to what I'm doing with my writings. I feel like minimalism has helped me a lot when it comes to being productive and consistent with my content, but overall, I feel like I've been struggling to find my own voice and write about things that aren't reliant on other people's ideas or influences. 

I follow a few people on YouTube who make minimalism content, so because of that, I'll sometimes get inspired by what they put out there and write my own version of the material here on my blog. The same can be said for the other parts of my blog (ie. wellness, fashion and capsule wardrobes). It's hard to make up your own ideas, lay out the first draft, edit the draft and then publish it, but that's part of the process and sometimes, it is fun. 

From a writer's perspective, my goal for the New Year is to fully embrace the creative process and finding new ideas. I'll still probably take ideas from others occasionally, which will probably lessen the amount of content I make since I've been publishing one post per week for most of this year. Going forward, you might see one or two posts per month. 

My blog's uniqueness is important to me, so my content is probably going to shift slightly in terms of what I put out. 2019 was the year of just having a dash of everything, but with a heavy focus on minimalism writings. Going forward, I plan to put out a few more reviews on musicals and music in general. You can also expect more anime recommendations, but in return, I'll be scaling back on fashion and minimalism as I'm going to be working on some habits that weren't too healthy for me. 

I hope that you'll stick around to see these changes. I'm excited to be producing more content that speaks to my "inner nerd". Thanks for reading and have a great New Year! 

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