Over the years, storing and organizing my accessories has been a long process of trial and error (as well as some decluttering). As a teenager, I used to have 20 different handbags, a handful of unused scarves and a lot of costume jewelry. I remember owning a green, hanging jewelry organizer that I would keep my necklaces in, and my purses would just sit in my closet on wall hooks or on the back of my bedroom door. Some things have definitely changed since then, but I think what’s changed the most is the amount of items I’ve decluttered because of me getting into minimalism.
I feel like what’s changed the most now is how I organize my jewelry. I was able to pin a bulletin board up against one of my bedroom walls, and so I use that for all of my necklaces. This way, nothing gets tangled and I can visibly see everything I have. I’ve also done a lot of purging through my earring collection as I used to have a lot of those, so now I only keep what I love most stored in a jewelry box that used to be my grandmother’s.
I feel like as I get older, the less I want to mess around with a big collection of handbags, and so my method for storing those is becoming a lot easier because I’ve downsized so much. I have my black Angela Roi bag sitting on top of my bookshelf as that’s the one “luxury” item I own and love very much. The rest of my bags are still tucked away in my closet. My everyday ones remain hung on hooks, and whenever a new season rolls around, I’ll switch up which bags I keep on the back of my bedroom door. I typically like to put more care into my more expensive bags (or ones with real leather), and so for those items, I’ll put them inside a reusable shoe bag (link: https://www.amazon.com/FashionBoutique-waterproof-Nylon-bags-Multicolor/dp/B00CRBY8NU/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=shoe+bags+multicolor&qid=1592332092&s=apparel&sr=1-3) and keep them in a safe place.
Since downsizing other accessories I don’t use (like winter socks, scarves, belts, travel bags, etc.), I’ve found that the rest of what I have fits perfectly inside one storage bin. Any old storage bin will do, but I decided to get a 6 pack from Amazon since I knew I had other organizing projects in mind (link: https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Foldable-Storage-Cubes-6-Pack/dp/B0711RQMNF/ref=pd_ys_c_rfy_rp_m_210_0?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0711RQMNF&pd_rd_r=1X79RYBDPR4PW0DJ222G&pd_rd_w=5oQc4&pd_rd_wg=z9vY6&pf_rd_p=0e5f1ae1-de88-4b7c-b919-fceb22deee35&pf_rd_r=1X79RYBDPR4PW0DJ222G&psc=1&refRID=AK6TVTSEYPTP7W4R180A). I think what I like most about these bins is that you can fill them up with literally anything and they provide a nice, uniform look to any space.
So overall, I’d say I’m happy with how I have my accessories organized, and if you haven’t done a thorough purge of your collection, I’d definitely suggest doing that first. Having a more minimal approach to life has taught me that the less you have, the easier it is to keep your things organized because everything has a designated place.
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