
A Poem for This Earth and Water Dynamic: Girlfriends, Sisters or Both?

I hate you, but I also love you. 

You drive me crazy

You make me question my sanity

Why do you question everything I do?

Why can't you just give me a break?

I just want to heal that black hole in your heart

God knows my heart better than you do

All you see is my anger and broken pieces

Precocious, pretentious and self-absorbed is all I can see

When someone says they care, there's a deeper meaning

Your love feels more like self-sabotage

You don't love yourself the same way I do

I know I've got my faults; I've never claimed to be perfect

I know that I take a lot for granted

My heart just wants yours, but I'm also dead tired

Two heads are better than one, but perhaps our are just wired differently

Our baggage needs to be given more space to breathe

I just want to be given time to breathe 

You can drag my heart through hell, but will you choose better next time?

I'd walk through a ring of fire to find your purity again

I know I'll rise up again and again; it's all the same to me now

Just don't get it twisted when I say you're still worth it somehow

Faith is hard to kill unless you don't give anything back. 

Resilience is my middle name these days

I can say sorry a million times, but does it mean anything to you?

Solid character speaks louder than being showered with gifts or money

Changing habits is hard, but it's not impossible; all it takes is baby steps

If you'd let me hold your hand a little longer, you'd see that I have nothing but respect

You've been changing my world since day one

I hope you know how much you truly mean to me. 

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