I'd say it was about a year ago when I first got into the mindset of leading a more healthy lifestyle. One of my friends had to move onto a stricter diet, and without even thinking about, I was subconsciously inspired. I first started by eating more salads, but even before that, I started to drink more water midway through my first job before I met him.
Now I'm not sure if this is an actual misconception, but one thing that I've become more adept to is drinking water instead of juice when I wake up in the morning. For the past couple months, I've been really into drinking ice cold water with lemon as that helps to wake me up. I just feel like it's better to hydrate your body first instead of going for other drinks that are heavy in sugar or caffeine.
One thing that I've struggled with for a long time is the amount of carbs I eat. My biggest weakness personally is pizza and pasta (as well as salty foods), but as of recently, I've found myself eating less pizza- and I'm quite pleased with myself for kicking that habit without even thinking about it.
I feel like my progress so far has been steady, but also inconsistent. There will be days or a period of time where I feel super motivated to eat healthy and get enough exercise, and there will be other days where I'm just not feeling it at all. Exercise in itself has been a struggle for me recently, and a partial reason for that has to do with my work schedule. I just don't feel like I'm at my best if I can't find the time to do that, and it doesn't help if I feel tired or worn out every time I come home from work. So despite this one small issue, I am doing the best that I can to make time and get it done at least twice a week.
One thing that's helped me to stay consistent with my routine is keeping my goals simple. If I can get in at least one or two workout sessions a week, then I'll feel like I've accomplished something. This mentality is also applied to my eating habits and what kinds of meals I have. Of course, I still live at home, so I'm usually content with eating whatever my mom makes, but I always enjoy making my own lunches that are a little more organic and healthy. I enjoy finding more sustainable ways to get protein in my system (natural nut butter, almonds and cashews are my 3 favorites at the moment), and I typically don't use condiments alongside my vegetables if I have them as a side dish.
So overall, I'd say that I've made a lot of progress in the last several years with my health. When I was a teenager, I had issues with my thyroid and had to get it removed through radiation, so that did affect my eating habits some during that stage of my life. Once I got through that treatment, my weight has stayed a bit on the heavy side throughout my years in high school as well as in my early 20's, but I feel like I'm finally in a place where I feel content with my body and the weight I'm at. My experiences with maintaining my health surely haven't been easy, but I do feel like I'm getting a little better at it each day; it just takes effort like anything else in life.
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