
Style vs. Fashion: How I Use Colors Within My Wardrobe

2022 has been a year of me getting back into trends and neutral colors, and while I still stand with the belief in being mindful when it comes to these things, the one color I’ve been introduced to by an influencer (named Chloe Wen) is chocolate brown. It’s become such a fun color to play with, and it looks good with the other colors that exist already within my current style.

My core style, ironically, has gone back to what I used to have when I first got into using the capsule wardrobe system. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying color obviously, but back when I first started experimenting, I eventually transformed my colorful, fast fashion-filled style with a more basic color palette, which contained black, white and blue as my primary colors. This is exactly what I have in my wardrobe now, but at the same time, I also have added purple, chocolate brown, small touches of gray, tan/beige and pink. I feel like my style now is something that I can keep and maintain for the next few years if not forever, so for that, I’m pretty much happy and content. 

This photo (as well as the others shown in this post) has been taken from Pinterest

Going back to basics seems to be a theme that I’ve adopted for 2023 in more ways than one, and when it comes to my style in particular, I’m finding that going back to my more “minimalist” color palette just makes getting dressed easier. If I don’t want to put too much effort into combining different colors, I can just go with a basic black and white outfit, or I can do a monochromatic outfit. And if I feel like just going with something simple but still interesting, I can pair black with another color that’s effortless, like brown or purple. I’ll be posting some of these different color combinations on Instagram at some point, so be on the lookout for that. Until then, I hope you enjoyed this post and can gain inspiration from it!

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